Rubbery/silicone Other Half [duplicate]
Jolla should make a few TOH's from bit more sticky materials, as the back cover can be a bit slippery for clumsy users like myself. :)
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Jolla should make a few TOH's from bit more sticky materials, as the back cover can be a bit slippery for clumsy users like myself. :)
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Asked: 2014-02-12 14:51:06 +0200
Seen: 467 times
Last updated: Feb 13 '14
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I was actually hoping that the black other half, had the same rubbery surface as a fx a Thinkpad.
Which isn't the case as far as I can see on various videos.
arnbak ( 2014-02-12 14:52:24 +0200 )editJolla is as soapy as N900 was. I have dropped boht phones many time already. N9 luckily has the silicone cover which is the best.
rooster13 ( 2014-02-12 15:53:27 +0200 )edit