[Fixed in] Sailfish and Android apps using different DNS? [released]
It seems that Android applications do not use the same DNS resolver as native Sailfish applications. I noticed this because I have my home network set up to use a local DNS server, and Sailfish catches this correctly, while Android applications do not.
The result is that I can access my local machines using their fully qualified domain names (e.g. wok.oblomov.eu) from e.g. the Sailfish browser, but not from e.g. Opera for Android.
EDIT: after installing a terminal emulator for Android I can confirm that getprop net.dns1
returns instead of, which is what is found in /etc/resolv.conf, so Android _is_ using a different DNS than Sailfish OS. This should be changed.
Update: Closed this question, as it is on the list of bugs fixed in Saapunki.
I have also noticed this behavior and think it's built-in: e.g, Opera has a technique to send the traffic through some kind of proxy that compresses the data so that in the end less data is transferred to the browser = save data plan and get speed. Maybe other vendors do that, too?
hardcodes.de ( 2013-12-26 19:47:48 +0200 )I have Opera Off-road mode disabled. In fact, if I enable off-road mode, the page loads because the browser gets the data from Opera's servers, that access my website from the public IP. The problem is without off-road modr, because the browser is still getting the public IP and thus ends up accessing the router.
bilog ( 2013-12-26 23:27:48 +0200 )yep, the same thing when trying the Android XBMC-remote app. It couldn't resolve my internal hostnames. I noticed that the DNS-server in /etc/resolv.conf is + ipv6 equivalent, maybe the Android apps don't honor that?
tiemen ( 2013-12-27 01:08:57 +0200 ) is google public dns, so I suppose google bakes that in the android runtime because usually it's faster than your ISP's DNS. I usually use that for all my pc's (with the added bonus that I circumvent some idiotic ISP blocking). I suppose there's another resolv.conf inside the android chroot?
qwazix ( 2013-12-28 14:05:27 +0200 )Ah, why didn't I think about that? Google just wants to know everything, so why not start with every DNS query you make? I also had the as my DNS for performance reasons but was not happy with Google knowing too much about me. So I decided to use a local DNS caching server to get almost the same performance. But that's off topic 8)
hardcodes.de ( 2013-12-28 14:11:25 +0200 )