Monthly Berlin SailfishOS/Jolla meeting at c-base (every 1st Monday)
asked 2014-02-14 21:32:24 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
The SailfishOS User Group (SUG) meeting take place every 1st Monday a month starting 19:00! at the c-base in Berlin.
Currently we have 5 to 10 Sailors joining the meetups on a regular basis. Current topics are
- apps created by some of us
- Blogposts on
- Hardware! There is a big device zoo around including Jollas, Xperias, Geminis... also some exotes like Turing phone, Fairphone 2, old Nokia N9 N900, N810, N800, 770 devices
- SailfishOS/Mer/AsteroidOS/... Buzz
- Data Protection, Linux, FOSS is also always on our Agenda. Privacy related projects like Coreboot Flashing...
- Hardware Repairs and Troubleshooting of Software Problems round Linux and / or SailfishOS
Additional Information:
- SailfishOS User Group Github Page in English
- Sailfishmods in German
Further Questions? Join the Sailfish User Group Berlin Telegram Channel
Next Meetups (german format
- 04.06.2018
- 02.07.2018
- 06.08.2018
- 03.09.2018
- 01.10.2018
- 05.11.2018 (May be changed to 12.11.2018 if Jolla Community MeetUp will be on 04.11.2018 in Berlin)
- 03.12.2018
Every day is fine, preferably on friday or saturday. c-base sounds good. :) I'm in.
v2px ( 2014-02-14 21:38:56 +0200 )editSounds great, I'm not local to Berlin but visit quite often and would really like to attend a meetup like this.
2Ti ( 2014-02-15 17:49:34 +0200 )editI hope you will repeat the meeting in April, cause I will be in Berlin from April 5-8: :) Greetings from Munich. :)
Just_me_1992 ( 2014-02-27 12:37:28 +0200 )editI am not here this day, unfortunately, hopefully next time.
Blizzz ( 2014-02-27 13:28:47 +0200 )edit@jukey Nice :) See you then in April, I guess. :) (I did a mistake, I'm in berlin from April 3-5, so Wednesday should be fine.)
Just_me_1992 ( 2014-02-27 19:02:18 +0200 )edit