audio play queue should ignore 1st track's remaining album tracks + FLAC art missing
When user listens to a certain track from middle of an album X and then decides to make a play queue by adding random tracks, the audio player first finishes the whole album X and only after that goes to play queue.
This is very annoying, I guess most of the people start listening to a certain track (not remaining of an album) and then want to hear the next play-queue-added track. Spotify works this way and is becoming a standard. Please fix.
Also at least FLAC files aren't showing the artwork. Haven't tried mp3s.
I would suggest to add an option to the already existing "add to play queue": "add to play queue next" - this option would put the selected song after the one that is playing at that moment while "add to play queue" would put it to the end.
Neo ( 2013-12-27 23:26:43 +0200 )editI confirm that FLAC art is missing. Can it be fixed?
Neo ( 2013-12-29 16:07:03 +0200 )editmp3 tagged album art seems to be read correctly, also some files, such as "folder.jpg" and "cover.jpg" are added correctly. Missing FLAC art is annoying :/
ziller ( 2013-12-30 16:55:01 +0200 )editUsing Jolla as my main device now, I confirm that I am missing covers for FLAC albums even with latest available softw ( For info, those files are located in a micro SD formatted as BTRFS
pat_o ( 2014-06-10 14:31:28 +0200 )editDid anyone find a solution, it is still not working for me !
Usegui ( 2015-06-19 18:57:26 +0200 )edit