[Solved]How to install warehouse? [answered]
Sorry if it's obvious but I have difficulties installing the warehouse client. Is there a step by step instruction or could someone shed some light on this?
More detailed questions:
- On the warehouse page it's written "You need to enable application installation from uncertified sources: Select Phone Settings and Applications > Installations, and activate Allow installations from non-Store sources"
- ??? but I cannot find this setting (german UI), where/what is this?
- I can download the deb file, but then, how am i supposed to install it? Through terminal with 'dpkg -i ..'? On the site it's written "Just download and tap to install" but - as expected - nothing happens when I tap the file within the 'Files' or 'File Browser' app. Mmh?
Actually, the DEB file is the Harmattan version for the Nokia N9. For the Jolla, follow the links to the SailfishOS version.
Venty ( 2014-02-18 13:49:27 +0200 )edit