2015-01-31 23:15:50 +0200
I don't know if it's related to this problem (like this one with the black screen but I have got black covers on the Messages and Phone app after using symlinks to store camera pictures and videos on SD card instead of phone memory. It happens only when using a short delay like sleep 1 and not sleep 5 (subject about this:
Update: It also happens randomly after some time, without doing anything special, so it's not necessarily tied to the SD card symlinks. I had the feeling that the black covers appear more when doing several actions like opening an app and then swiping fast to go directly to open apps, connecting to the network after being on flight mode or locking the screen with the hardware button instead of swiping from the top to lock screen. Maybe we can see the problem with dbus-monitor command but I haven't found anything at the moment. In fact, this is a known bug (
I didn't have this bug with Jolla updates before the current Like some comments I read, the bug can disappear after you swipe to the events from the bottom or to the ambience favorites from the left or right.
After reboot, it is completely gone. For information, here is what a black cover on Messages app looked like:

and here is a weird thing I've found after swiping from ambience favorites to the open applications when having a black cover active, there's a sort of mouse cursor that quickly appears on the black cover:

I have both the above thing (not every time, and I haven't found a "pattern" for when it appears), and something similar when I swipe-down-to-turn-screen-off: I swipe down, the screen turns off, then one second or less (I haven't timed it) later, the screen turns on again, and I have to swipe down again. Unfortunately, I haven't noticed a pattern here either (not that I've looked, though).
(and no WiFi, just mobile data)
phle ( 2014-01-14 17:00:26 +0200 )editI have experienced the black screen issue, but that only recently, I think it may have to do with warehouse or packages installed from there.
Trizt ( 2014-01-21 20:29:42 +0200 )edit@Trizt: I definitely had this problem before installing warehouse or packages from openrepos. I haven't had the problem during the last 2 - 3 weeks. Before it occurred multiple times a day.
Jörg ( 2014-01-22 10:07:20 +0200 )edit@Jörg: Today I experienced the opposite, the screen didn't want to shut down, had always to turn it off manually (swipe from top or button), until I rebooted. Of course that is most likely unrelated to this issue.
Trizt ( 2014-01-22 20:34:39 +0200 )edit@Trizt: You are not alone ;-) I had this problem also. Hopefully the next update will resolve some of these issues ...
Jörg ( 2014-01-23 11:17:04 +0200 )edit