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Asked: 2014-02-21 13:58:19 +0200
Seen: 183 times
Last updated: Feb 21 '14
Bug: Screen turns off after a few seconds [released]
What is the best maps/navigation application to use on Jolla? [answered]
[Implemented in] Nokia HERE - Unit System in maps? [released]
Screen orientation setting / locking
Navigation: Metric system with english language [duplicate]
[feature-request] Hide browser bar on fullscreen pages
display sleep after "never" option ie. "display always on" is needed
Delay between screen shuts off and lock activates [answered]
who else has to aim super-carefully near the borders of the display?
Agreed, it should be forced to stay on. But then, we unfortunately don't have real navigation yet. DO YOU HEAR ME JOLLA??
Bimberle ( 2014-02-21 17:26:04 +0200 )editplease avoid bashing on together and btw. your capslock key seems broken.
mike7b4 ( 2014-02-21 21:58:59 +0200 )editAgree with Johannes, in navigation the display should not turn off automatically. Maybe it would be possible to program so that the screen always stays on when map is on full screen, but the automated switch-off would work when the map is minimized (but still open) to multitasking screen.
statler ( 2014-05-06 14:48:27 +0200 )edit