first feedbacks [not relevant]
Hi, I have been using my Jolla for 2 weeks now and really love it despite some bug et lack of apps (I will live with it).
Here is some of the things I have noticed :
It would be great :
Photo app turn sound off Photo app simple filter Photo app free crop
Contact app : favorites sometime doesn't show photo
Cover photo not linked to ambiance (offer possibility)
Link notifications to app if installed (fb notification opens Friends app and twitter opens Twittians)
Linkedin, Google+ share connector
Edit contact when download from Google. All the phone numbers are Private and not editable
Email conversation
SMS with photos MMS
Edit alarm range ring
Connection problem when lost wifi makes the phone lag a lot, I have to turn it to plane mode to recover.
Linkedin native app Facebook native app
Universal search. what do you think of a swipe left/right from home screens (notification / multitasking / apps)