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[app-request] OsmAnd navigation [not relevant]

asked 2014-02-25 20:51:04 +0200

AnaT gravatar image

OsmAnd is probably the best OSM client for Android, it's got a pretty good navigation functionality, and it's FOSS: http://osmand.net/. While the Android version works somehow acceptably on Jolla, a native client would be a real killer compared to the current map applications available (Here and Maep).

The app is coing to be ported on Qt, so taking it even further to Sailfish should be doable: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/osmand/mTyqWNWdgqM/discussion

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by rozgwi
close date 2018-11-11 21:28:02.096789



For anyone encountering problems with Osmand for Android: the yandex store provided me with a veeeery outdated version (0.7.3 beta) which threw error messages at me whenever I tried to use offline maps. Got the latest release from here and it works fine. Still, having a native Sailfish app would be great.

tokaru ( 2014-03-23 16:27:32 +0200 )edit

Cannot download > 10 maps. Payment does not work. Neither does deleting maps (<10).

wim de vries ( 2014-04-06 15:50:50 +0200 )edit

Yes, there are restrictions, unfortunately. You can download more maps manually into the file system.

tokaru ( 2014-04-07 12:01:59 +0200 )edit

I got the 1.7.5 version installed, and I have no sounds / voice navigation (yes, i've installed hungarian and eglish tts but it won't say a word. Except that, the navigaton seems to be fine. Any hints?

clouseau ( 2014-06-28 12:33:21 +0200 )edit

Ah right, after some more digging I find out that TTS = text to spech = no support in Aliendalvic, I guess. Got it sorted out by installing the non-tts files

clouseau ( 2014-06-28 12:41:42 +0200 )edit

5 Answers

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answered 2014-05-27 19:22:32 +0200

thomas gravatar image

updated 2014-06-15 11:40:12 +0200

I had exactly the same problem: I wanted to buy OSMAnd+ in order to support the project, but it seems, that there is no chance for Jolla users (and mails I sent to the community were not answered).

So, here is the recipe, how you can use an unlimited amount of maps with the free version OSMAnd: (please use this only, until the full version is available for Jolla owners as well - let us not jeopardize good open source initiatives!)

Download maps using PC from http://download.osmand.net/list.php?d=-1

Save them with right mouse button: save target under and instead of "download.php" you enter the real name of the file (e.g. "Sweden_europe_2.obf.zip").

On Jolla switch on developer mode and copy unzipped maps (.obf) with WinScp (in case you use MS Windows) from PC into folder /home/nemo/Downloads on Jolla phone.

Now the files have to be copied on the real SD card of the Jolla Smartphone: this you can do with the root-version of the program "Cargo Dock" from /home/nemo/Downloads to /media/sdcard/<xxxx>-<yyyy>/osmand or simpler and better (you need the shell for generating the symbolic links afterwards anyway):

1) Login per ssh from Linux (or other OS)

ssh 192.168.1.xxx -l nemo (the IP address you get from developer mode settings on Jolla, the password as well)

2) devel-su mv /home/nemo/Downloads/*.obf /media/sdcard/<xxxx>-<yyyy>/osmand

(the subdirectory osmand you have to generate beforehand with devel-su mkdir /media/sdcard/<xxxx>-<yyyy>/osmand)

3) cd /data/sdcard/osmand

4) ln -s /media/sdcard/<xxxx>-<yyyy>/osmand/*.obf . [UPDATE]: Problem since Version, Saapunki: symbolic links from sdcard to Android directories don't work any more because of introduced fuse-mount of Android dirs on /data/media - and direct links into /data/media/osmand can be made, but OSMAnd still has an indexing problem here

(read also: https://together.jolla.com/question/45507/is-creating-symbolic-links-in-mntsdcard-not-allowed-anymore/)

OSMAnd is searching for the maps in the folder /data/sdcard/osmand, but this folder is on the Jolla phone NOT on the SDCard, therefore we put the files into /media/sdcard/<xxxx>-<yyyy>/osmand and generate symbolic links from the /data/sdcard/osmand directory

Then we set the ownerships appropriately:

5) cd /media/sdcard/<xxxx>-<yyyy>/osmand/

6) devel-su chown 10009 *.obf

7) devel-su chmod g+w *.obf

Now we have a wunderful offline-routing option and nobody needs Nokia "Here" anymore! Enjoy!

@Jolla: it would be desirable to have OSMAnd in the Jolla store anyway, because in the standard version (up to 10 maps) it works "out of the box"

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There are other ways to buy OsmAnd+, as can be found on the wiki. And as mentioned there, you can use the nightlies to get more downloads. Or, install OsmAnd~ from F-Droid, which you can install parallel to OsmAnd+. Simply use OsmAnd~ to download maps.

Fuzzillogic ( 2014-05-27 20:09:28 +0200 )edit

The wiki refers to AndroitPit and for buying at AndroidPit you need a google account (what Jolla users typically don't want to have, otherwise they would have bought an Android phone). Amazon is no option, because for starting the app you must be online and connected to Amazon. Nightly build and OsmAnd~: do they store the maps on the Jolla SD card and set up a symbolic link? Otherwise the Jolla flash is quickly full (as with the use of the OSMAnd standard version) - this is no solution.

thomas ( 2014-05-27 20:24:49 +0200 )edit

I have been looking for a solution to this seemingly simple problem of storing those maps on the sdcard, and I am amazed that all that is proposed are really deep and complex operations that I do not dare to make in my system. Why should it be so difficult to allow osmand to store all its data on the sdcard in some way? It escapes me, and I hope that someone who recognises that jollas are used by normal people, and not just programming gurus, will provide a solution.

wcr ( 2014-07-06 20:56:18 +0200 )edit

@wcr: you are totally right - these hacks are not sustainable solutions, since they may even not survive the next operation system update, as we have seen above.

Here the Jolla developer team is challenged to do something!

@Jolla: why is the sdcard mounted with fmask/dmask=0022 - wouldn't group writing rights already solve half of the problem? Osmand allows just to define another directory as working directory, but if one on the real Jolla sdcard is chosen, Osmand cannot write on it. Maybe it would be the first step to mount such, that the directory and file rights are 775? (which means mounting with fmask/dmask=0002)

thomas ( 2014-07-12 21:10:10 +0200 )edit

O.k.: saw in another thread that Jolla wants to fix the sdcard permissions issue (hopefully in the next update): see here - let's see how the solution will be and find an optimum solution for osmand based on this - this can be realised without requirement of too many hacking skills then. Until then it is still possible to install osmand and download maps into the phone internal memory.

thomas ( 2014-07-13 16:56:13 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-11 10:51:46 +0200

DrYak gravatar image

updated 2018-11-11 10:54:36 +0200

Because this question was necro-bumped, I'm writing this answer to point out that the OpenStreetMaps situation has improved greatly with native apps since when this was first asked in 2014.

  • OSM Scout Server works very well to provide maps stored locally to apps that support it.

  • Pure Maps is a great app that can use the above to display maps and do navigation.

  • modRana is another alternative map displayer that supports the server.

  • and for sport tracking Laufhelden supports OSM Scout Server too.

Using non-native android apps such as OSMAnd isn't required anymore to get OpenStreetMaps.

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answered 2014-11-29 14:18:49 +0200

wcr gravatar image

Since July, this thread seems to be dead and the simple (in my opinion: ridiculously simple) question is still open. Why have an "open" system on the phone, and some programmer has decided that a naturally data-hungry application like Osmand may not use my sdcard to store its data there?

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I use osmand~ from f-droid... simple as that... have 5.3GB of maps -> downloaded to my sdcard (using https://together.jolla.com/question/40802/how-to-format-your-usd-card-to-btrfs-and-share-space-with-android/ ) and open is one thing, android is "bad" so we get protected from it, this comes with a prize.

chemist ( 2014-11-29 14:28:16 +0200 )edit

I use osmand+ from amazon, 8GB maps on ext3 formatted sdcard (similar to chemists link), map download via osmand is working well

rudi ( 2014-11-29 15:01:10 +0200 )edit

On my Jolla, Osmand (and all other android apps) store their data on the SD-card, as described above by chemist. I guess the reasoning to not make the SD-card the default for data storage is that the developers wanted the users to be able to put in any pre-existing SD-card, and use all the data that is stored on the card. Yes, that should be changed, e.g. the System menu should have an "format SD-card and make it default" entry, of whatever.

dthierbach ( 2014-11-29 15:04:26 +0200 )edit

OK, I initially did not dare to follow the recipe, but now did (knowing that I fiddled deeper in the system than I am comfortable with...) - but it seems to work exactly as you all say. Thank you! (I wonder whether this will survive the next system update?)

wcr ( 2014-11-29 16:19:37 +0200 )edit

usually it does as the systemd service is left untouched, after a factory reset you need to put it in place again and enable it though

chemist ( 2014-11-29 17:23:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-01 13:02:26 +0200

wcr gravatar image

I actually now have a related question. Before this operation, my jolla always found all its music, no matter where it was on the system. Now it does not seem to find the music files on the sdcard. Is there a way to tell it where they are?

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it would be best to open a new thread for this new issue as it is not related to OsmAnd
SailfishOS is still expected to find the music in all non-hidden folders. If you have Uitukka in your phone then install Sailfish Utilities from Jolla Store. Use option "Clear tracker database". Let it harvest for some minutes. It may be good to restart the phone, too. Instructions for Utilities: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203837576.

jovirkku ( 2014-12-01 13:36:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-11 02:50:10 +0200

gena2x gravatar image

You can just install nightly build - that has no limits on download. I bought it once, and finding it silly to buy twice...

Native app would be great.

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As said above in the comments, just install the FDroid version which is stable and host no limits either.

bomo ( 2018-11-11 09:54:38 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2014-02-25 20:51:04 +0200

Seen: 30,140 times

Last updated: Nov 11 '18