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Store: improve the browsing and search for new apps

asked 2013-12-27 03:22:31 +0300

make gravatar image

updated 2014-03-11 16:19:47 +0300

bijjal gravatar image

It would be good to have some way to search for new applications in Jolla Store. Maybe the easiest way would be to add an option to sort the "All" list based on the date the application was accepted to Store?

Update: new apps should be browsable and searcable by date of entry, latest update, category, developer, # of dwnloads, platform, etc..These details should also be shown in respective search/result lists for each.app.

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I'd say that not only the 'All' category, but every group should have a few basic sorting filters: by publishing date, by popularity, by price (assuming Harbour will host also non-free apps), etc.
And maybe also add a general 'Newest' category, at top of the list (above 'All'), for quick access.

simosagi ( 2013-12-27 11:05:28 +0300 )edit

The All category and all other categories, too, are alredy sorted by date. So the most recent stuff will appear on top.

pycage ( 2013-12-27 16:06:36 +0300 )edit

+1 for more sorting options.

Orologiaio ( 2013-12-28 03:52:38 +0300 )edit

Some search filters would be welcomed even if at the moment there's not plenty of apps. It would be really useful later.

juju_des_highlands ( 2013-12-29 11:38:12 +0300 )edit

search by "most downloaded", date, comments, rating, ...

Aigner ( 2013-12-30 04:28:04 +0300 )edit

4 Answers

Sort by » oldest newest most voted

answered 2014-03-11 16:19:54 +0300

bijjal gravatar image

Lots of ideas here, but to answer the original question (i.e improving browsing and searching of apps), we have some improvements coming in with the next update. The main page is renewed and allows easy access to top apps, new apps, latest activity and the app categories.

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It is better than before, but seems to me that it still needs some work.

Neo ( 2014-03-18 00:18:54 +0300 )edit

Since the update, Jolla Store now sorts on

  • Recommended by Jolla
    (which is basically a quick-link to the Category Jolla - see below)

  • Activity

  • New apps

  • Top apps

  • Categories
    where Pulley shows Sort (see options below; Sort is not shown in the other Pulley's),
    My apps, and Search.

    • Latest
    • Most liked
    • Most downloaded

"Latest" seems to sort on "Released"-date,
but now I'm missing sort on "Updated"-date (please give us both options?).

Yesterday evening, I received a "you've got an update"-notification, but that app is not up top in any of its listings.
Being early SailfishOS-users, we've got the advantage of actually being able to have a rather good grasp of the apps available, and there are apps that I haven't installed, but will find interesting if they're updated,
e.g. a good-looking app for public transportation, that this far unfortunately doesn't cover my part of the country (same country, but appr. 400 km apart).

phle ( 2014-03-20 08:31:58 +0300 )edit

@phle "there are apps that I haven't installed, but will find interesting if they're updated", please see https://together.jolla.com/question/1159/jolla-store-be-informed-about-new-and-updated-apps/#post-id-25831 and give your ideas or comments.

Neo ( 2014-03-20 11:12:35 +0300 )edit

@Neo - Thanks for the tip.

(At the moment I'd prefer an "sort on latest updated" option, though, instead of yet another thing bugging me for attention
(pro Events screen notification: I don't have to keep an eye of it myself
con Events screen notification: If I check it (click on notification), but decide to act on it later, I would need another way to remind me).

The present "Sort: Latest" could actually be "Sort: Recently updated",
and a "Sort: Recently added" option (which would be the same as "New apps" - and the present "Sort: Latest") could be added.)

phle ( 2014-03-22 08:40:06 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-02-03 15:24:17 +0300

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updated 2014-02-03 17:21:29 +0300

phle gravatar image

suggestion on how to improve Jolla Store

Pulley menu in app:

  • Sort

  • My apps
    (already present)

  • Search
    (already present)

Selecting Sort in Pulley menu gives the following options:

  • added to store (newest on top)

  • added to store (oldest on top)

  • app updated (newest on top)
    (this is how apps presently are sorted)

  • app updated (oldest on top)

  • "thumbs up" (most on top)
    (I don't know if "thumbs up" (least on top) would be necessary.)
    (this option is already available, as a clickable "Show apps with most likes >", if the category has more than (6?) apps)

  • alphabetical (A, B, C, ... )

  • alphabetical ( ..., C, B, A)

  • downloaded (most on top)
    (I don't know if downloaded (least on top) would be necessary.)

These sort options should of course work both in "All" and in each category.

I'm a bit unsure if the clickable "Show apps with most likes >" would still be necessary, if these sort options would be introduced.

This answer is marked as community wiki (karma is not awarded & many others can edit wiki post).
However if you like the idea, please give your vote.

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I would like to see this with possibility to exclude apps based on platform (ie. only Sailfish, obly Android).

cjp ( 2014-06-28 12:14:31 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-02-03 15:31:52 +0300

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2014-02-03 17:20:25 +0300

phle gravatar image

suggestion on how to improve Jolla Store

Since the update, we've got tiny Android indicators on Android apps in Jolla Store, which is good!, but what if the user wants to separate native and Android apps even more?

I suggest the following options:

  • all in one page, but divided
    SailfishOS apps, divider, Android apps

  • show only SailfishOS apps

  • show only Android apps

  • all in one page, mixed
    SailfishOS apps and Android apps are mixed, as they presently are in the Jolla Store

This setting is probably best located in Settings → Apps → Store.

This answer is marked as community wiki (karma is not awarded & many others can edit wiki post).
However if you like the idea, please give your vote.

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Wouldn't this suggestion had been more appropriately posted in the question where enhancements to differentiate SailfishOS / Android apps are discussed? This question here is abt browsing and searching new apps.. Ofc, the choice is yours, but IMO this would fit there, too.

foss4ever ( 2014-02-03 15:51:31 +0300 )edit

@jjaone - You mean "Improve the way SailfishOS and Android apps are differentiated in store"?

It would have been even better suited in "Differentiate native SailfishOS and Android apps in Jolla store" (which the above linked question is a continuation of), but that question is closed.

and no:
I figured that this umbrella question was broader, and therefore better suited for a sorting suggestion
(this question is also both asked much earlier, and have more votes).

My above suggestion also doesn't solve the problem that the added Android logo (is a bit small, and) can't be seen if the app is installed because the "checkbox" covers the same area.

I can add it to the "Improve"-page - or just make an answer with a link to the answer here, if you want to, but I think this question covers the major part of what the "Improve"-question covers.

phle ( 2014-02-03 16:16:53 +0300 )edit

I think these store enhancement questions focus on different things; making browse/search of new apps better, does not necessarily help to differentiate apps based on the OS. The reason the new question had to be posted is that the little droid icon clearly is not sufficient cause nost of the store views mix apps from both platforms and there is no way show only thre other. But, no worries, in the original, 'Differentiate ..' topic there are many comments/answers that could be resurrected to the new question as Answers to improve the visibility/browsing of apps based on OS separation. In the end, all these suggestions target to make Store more user-friendly and browsing of apps more intuitive so actually we have a shared goal in posting these suggestions.. ;)

foss4ever ( 2014-02-03 16:49:11 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-02-03 15:30:02 +0300

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

updated 2014-02-03 17:21:12 +0300

phle gravatar image

suggestion on how to improve Jolla Store

Adding some sort of indicator (similar to the one in the N9 Store) for "I have downloaded version ... of this app, but I have since then uninstalled it."

Such an indicator is nice if, say, (for example)

  • the app in question isn't to your liking at the moment, but you want to be able to keep an eye on it if the next version is better

  • you've ran out of space, and you want to install it after you've cleared up some space, but you can't do that right now

  • your Jolla needed a factory reset, and now you want to install all (or "not all, but most"!) of your apps again.

Similar to as on the N9, they could be listed under "My apps".

There should probably also be an option (maybe located in Settings → Apps → Store ?) to "hide" apps that has been downloaded, but aren't installed at the moment.

This answer is marked as community wiki (karma is not awarded & many others can edit wiki post).
However if you like the idea, please give your vote.

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Asked: 2013-12-27 03:22:31 +0300

Seen: 1,395 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '14