sms delivered notification
asked 2014-03-17 16:24:27 +0200
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My old phone gave a beep and a bubble with "message to X delivered" when the message was delivered and I would like this on Jolla.
So the states for sms would be 1. sending 2. sent 3. delivered
It might be a good feature to show both sent and delivered times
Isn't this already so, by selecting from
settings => SMS => delivery receipt
the option above number of sms centreat least in my Jolla with Finnish language indicates delivered as final state?
Kari ( 2014-03-17 20:23:12 +0200 )editThanks Kari. I didn't see that. Now I've set it on and it indeed does say "sent" which then turns to "delivered" in a few seconds. :D :D
jubo-jubo ( 2014-03-18 15:44:14 +0200 )edit@jubo-jubo you're welcome - Good that it works as you described it.
Will you close this questions as answered?
Kari ( 2014-03-18 17:31:02 +0200 )edit