Pulley-Menu vs Context-Menu
Currently the action UI is made in 2 parts - Pully Menu and Long press item Menu. To me this is akward as the pully menu sometimes gives more / less options compared to long press item (specific actions)
In order to have a more consistent approach the long press menu should invoke the pully menu rather than showing a dropdown menu on the item.
In this pully menu the user should be able to select item specific actions as well as actions linked to the app the user is in. e.g. Mail app; Item specific action, reply - mark as read - etc. App specific action, update - select multiple emails - etc
It's just strange to scroll to the top in order to get to the menu. The menu should always come from the thumb (invoke menu on the screen no matter where you are)
Agreed that it's unintuitive and cumbersome to scroll all the way up in a list to access the application menu. There's a suggestion on alternative ways to activate pulley menus. Add a suggestion there or just vote on your favorite.
Mohjive ( 2014-02-25 12:54:45 +0200 )edit