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Slow Wi-Fi

asked 2014-03-21 00:28:22 +0200

TheRikse gravatar image

updated 2016-08-17 11:13:11 +0200

jiit gravatar image

I can get only 20Mb/s Wi-Fi connection. It looks like 802.11n is not activated at all. Am I right?

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I had the same issue. It connects with 40 - 65 Mb/s. But that's slow compared to other devices.

fblm ( 2014-03-24 08:58:37 +0200 )edit

Can somebody confirm a wlan speed over 65 mbit/s using a fritz 6360 ?

fblm ( 2014-03-29 11:45:52 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-04-13 02:43:19 +0200

TheRikse gravatar image

updated 2014-04-13 13:41:41 +0200

Good news!!

After latest update ( I'm getting pretty good speeds, around 50Mbps. I'd consider this fixed as 2.4GHz WLAN is a bit glacial at high speeds..


Hotspot is still running only in 802.11b/g.

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I'm still waiting for b/g/n support for hot-spot.

What kind of speeds do you get (speed test on a laptop connected to Jolla hot-spot)?

TheRikse ( 2014-05-28 01:18:27 +0200 )edit

between 9-11 mbit/s when on 4g

kingneptune ( 2014-08-21 12:36:39 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-04-21 11:20:41 +0200

fblm gravatar image

Max speed is 65 Mb/s for my Jolla. Other devices connected to my wlan router has 150 Mb/s !!! WLAN optimization is still needed.

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With a single antenna you can only have a single spatial stream. Most battery powered devices support only 802.11n 20 MHz channels. 1x1:1 antenna configuration, 20 MHz channel bandwidth and short guard inverval gives 72.2 Mbit/s as a theoretical maximum bitrate.

Ilari Stenroth ( 2014-04-21 17:25:24 +0200 )edit

I' sure in a technical way you are right. But I like to say that other devices can go faster and Jolla should do also unless Jolla officially state that it's not possible. I had several Android powered mobile devices with a bandwith of 150 Mb/s.

fblm ( 2014-04-21 20:42:18 +0200 )edit

The hardware itself tells about 40 MHz channels:

[   46.209858] CH 1 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209858] CH 2 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209858] CH 3 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209858] CH 4 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209858] CH 5 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888]     CH 7 is enabled for 40MHz and no DFS, max power 17 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 6 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888]     CH 8 is enabled for 40MHz and no DFS, max power 17 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 7 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888]     CH 9 is enabled for 40MHz and no DFS, max power 17 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 8 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888]     CH 10 is enabled for 40MHz and no DFS, max power 17 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 9 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888]     CH 11 is enabled for 40MHz and no DFS, max power 17 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 10 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 11 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209888] CH 12 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.
[   46.209919] CH 13 is enabled and no DFS, max power 20 dBm.

(I'm in germany, that's why it goes up to channel 13) ... Still even when I force my router to 40 MHz the phone connects with 20 (how's that possible at all?). So I guess some software restriction. Any word from Jolla Oy?

V10lator ( 2015-07-01 13:46:40 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-03-21 00:28:22 +0200

Seen: 450 times

Last updated: Apr 21 '14