order of app icons
There is a problem with the order of the app icons as other reports already have mentioned.
I know that there are discussions how to solve the problem (folders, automatic sort ...) but i want to know how sailfish sort it right now.
I could write a small script which restores the order for me if I just new what sailfish does.
If I could get a hint where this is documented i will be happy. Somebody knows and is willing to share his knowledge ... even better. And if it is a bug in the source code than let me know so I stop looking for a solution.
Any help will be appreciated.
edit1: I am talking about the order of the app-icons on the Launcher screen.
I heard that about the installation sequence before. But what exactly is it that Sailfish uses to determine when/at what time an app is installed (imho it is not ctime or mtime) if this is the sorting mechanism.
Following the Nix philosophy "Everything is a File" let me rephrase:
Is there a file i can manipulate to change the order of the app icons at the launcher screen?
I am not sure whether I understand you problem right: You have
It has been reported, that user adjustment may become reset under certain conditions: Just search here on Together.
jgr ( 2014-04-04 02:06:23 +0200 )editi would like to see options for the apps to be sorted in several ways, such as: most used, if there is no folders then this will.help
madcheeze ( 2014-05-01 10:10:31 +0200 )edit