voice recognition / dial from bluetooth handsfree button via issued AT+BVRA=1 command
my bluetooth car handsfree is a rather limited "Blaupunkt IF" solution which is operated by only one button.
Bluetooth connecting, calling and receiving calls works fine.
But, If connected, one press to the devices "PTT-button" should start voice dialing / voice recognition on the phone which is already requested here: https://together.jolla.com/question/824/voice-dialing/
So, while (hopefully) implementing voice dial, it would be really nice if Jolla could have an eye on its bluetooth integration via HF-Protocol by supporting the AT+BVRA command as specified here, page 47: https://www.bluetooth.org/docman/handlers/downloaddoc.ashx?doc_id=41181
Edit 20141107: Shameless bump to gather some more attention 'cause this is a big issue in my usecase!
edit 2019-10-26 +1 for this feature (personal interest)
I'm waiting since Jolla introduced bluez5 with Xperia X unfortunately.
I am not sure what is the voice recognition for - will have to read the document first, but I am not an optimist. Jolla did not do anything to improve the quality of BT and perhaps they are not responsible for this and can not do anything, because they are using the AOSP kernel.
I think at least official statement by Jolla is deserved and welcome and as I mentioned before, Jolla should lead/manage the community in the right direction.
deloptes ( 2019-10-28 08:53:14 +0200 )edit