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[Bug ?] Jolla Maps does not update the current direction, nor the covered distance as I travel

asked 2014-04-16 13:43:04 +0200

alci gravatar image

updated 2014-04-17 11:03:08 +0200

I have been travelling recently, and tried to use my Jolla to find my way and have turn-by-turn directions. The route is calculated and shown fine. I can see my current position on the map (moving dot). But...

  • the current / next direction is not updated as I travel. I have to manually select the point on the map (which is rather dangerous while driving in a city !)
  • if I make a mistake and go the wrong route, the directions are not refreshed: I have to go back one screen, and choose the "directions" button again to get new directions
  • on the cover, there is an indication of how much distance has been covered... but it is stuck to 0, like in '0 m/255 km', no matter how many kilometers I traveled.

I guess this is a bug ? If yes, does anyone know how to recover the functionnality? If not... well this would be really unusable, it's probably a bug.

EDIT: a long press on the map centers it on my current position. But still, directions are not displayed according to my progress (nor recalculated, needless to say). And distance is stalled to 0 in the cover view. I tried reinstalling Jolla Maps. I tried unchecked/rechecking the "allow positioning" setting, to no avail.

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My position is shown as a point and not as an arrow like in N9 Drive App. So I think map app needs an improvement

michdeskunk ( 2014-06-05 13:23:37 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-04-16 14:43:32 +0200

Kim gravatar image

To start the map following you, you have to long press somewhere on the map, that should solve your point 1 and (probably) 3. See more here: https://together.jolla.com/question/30058/how-do-i-keep-maps-centered-on-my-position/

I do not know if the rout will be recalculated, I haven't been in that situation.


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I have just tried your advice, but the result is that the map is centered on my position, but still, the directions are not updated, as I progress, and the distance is stalled to zero in the cover view...

alci ( 2014-04-16 21:52:40 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-04-24 04:41:06 +0200

Aaron McCarthy gravatar image

Thank you for the feedback. The behaviour you report are not bugs it is intended behaviour due to the current limited scope of the Maps application. Maps is no intended to be a comprehensive navigation application. Its features in this area are currently limited.

the current / next direction is not updated as I travel. I have to manually select the point on the map (which is rather dangerous while driving in a city !)

Maps doesn't track your progress along the route. It only shows your current position.

if I make a mistake and go the wrong route, the directions are not refreshed: I have to go back one screen, and choose the "directions" button again to get new directions

As above.

on the cover, there is an indication of how much distance has been covered... but it is stuck to 0, like in '0 m/255 km', no matter how many kilometers I traveled.

This is the cover version of the route view. It has the same limitations. You need to manually move along the route. You can do this directly from the cover with cover actions.

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@Aaron McCarthy Do you plan some major update or complete overhaul of the Maps application before summer holidays? In its current state it is unusable for any traveller.

zlatko ( 2014-04-24 08:38:04 +0200 )edit

Didn't knew that Here maps are that useless... Jolla is needing a real navigation app. It is essential...

Alex ( 2014-04-24 10:39:04 +0200 )edit

Here Maps in general are not that useless. This is just a limitation of the implementation on Jolla's platform. I'm sure within time and more budget invested to the maps, they are updated at least to the same level that in other platforms.

matrixx ( 2014-04-24 11:06:19 +0200 )edit

@zlatko I cannot comment on future unannounced plans. I suggest voting on questions on this site requesting navigation features to bring more visibility to features that are important to you.

Aaron McCarthy ( 2014-04-28 03:01:36 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-04-16 13:43:04 +0200

Seen: 550 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '14