Email: PGP encrypted attachments not visible
PGP encrypted attachments (*.asc or *.pgp) are not shown (visible) in Mail-app, and thus can not be decrypted.
GnuPG (gpg2) works fine from terminal and I can live with that, but when we get proper handling of attachments?
Edit: I did not request PGP support, just a request for Mail-app to handle pgp attachments similar as other attachments, saving those to Downloads folder. Jolla has tools to encrypt and decrypt text/messages. Thats why I did not consider this as a duplicate. Thanks.
Duplicate of
If you agree please close this as a duplicate.
Tanghus ( 2014-04-17 21:41:44 +0200 )editActually has been closed as duplicate, so also closing this.
Tanghus ( 2014-04-17 21:44:10 +0200 )editI agree that this is not a duplicate. It is about saving attachments, and the failed case happens to be a pgp-encrypted file, but that doesn't make this Question about pgp-encryption!
00prometheus ( 2014-04-18 01:58:14 +0200 )editMy bad. Reopening. Ah, already done :)
Tanghus ( 2014-04-18 02:45:45 +0200 )editTo use gpg2 tools, you need to have the pinentry binary. Sailfishos version can be found -> Tips and HOWTOs
rannari ( 2014-04-18 14:12:16 +0200 )edit