[bug] Sygic has satellite fix but does not show current position
asked 2014-04-22 21:56:14 +0200

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Sygic (Android navigation app) shows "Inaccurate signal for car navigation" and does not show the current position nor navigate. It does however show a signal bar for all of the satellite signal bar positions. When going into the numeric position display (Menu |- Settings | Hardware| GPS Satellites -|), it shows current geo coordinates, speed, height etc. Very occasionally, the position indicator may even jump to the current position on the map but at best follows the current route for a few meters only and then is "offline" again. Nonetheless, while offline the map (the section of the map shown on the display) may reorientate according to current cardinal direction (or sort of that, not sure that it orientates correctly).
Altogether: Very strange behavior.
Edit: Seeing the comments, I have coined this question as a bug report. I do not know, who is responsible for the bug (i.e. does not adhere to standards), Sygic or Jolla or even both. However, the same version of Sygic is working normally on an Android tablet (without Internet access while traveling).
Same for me, and don't know what is the problem. I have to use an older version Sygic 11.2.6 and the GPS fix is better.
TellienInTouch ( 2014-04-23 09:00:51 +0200 )editYep, same problem here. Most of the time it does not work. However sometimes it works as expected for multiple hours...
alex25 ( 2014-04-23 09:03:06 +0200 )edit