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[Idea] Other-half for GameBoy/GameGear/3DS/whatever cartridges

asked 2014-05-12 15:31:40 +0200

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updated 2014-06-17 11:50:59 +0200

eric gravatar image

Hi, I just had an idea this morning, and I just wanted to throw it out into de community. I found an old GameBoy cartdrige I had stowed away in box for ages, and since I no longer have a GameBoy to play it on, I thought it would be kind of cool, if I could just pop a GameBoy other half on the back of my Jolla and blast away on a GameBoy emulator in Sailfish. I know it would probably be easier to just download the game somewhere, without a need for an other half, but I think this would be kind of a cool thing to make, just for fun. What do you guys think?

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-05-12 16:30:17 +0200

ApB gravatar image

I think that Satoru Iwata (Nintendo CEO) will sent ninjas to kill each one of the jolla sailors. And there aren't many. :P

On a serious note i think that MAME/NES/Game Boy/Whatever emulator with a nice interface and an optional gamepad TOH will be nice to have in the store. :)

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Not Ninjas, but they may send their "Copyright Czar" =)

javispedro ( 2014-05-12 17:35:49 +0200 )edit

No Ninjas, but a "Thank You"! As far as I know, the actual business is selling the game cartridges. The problem is the user interface. Those game consoles depend on their paddles and special buttons and probably Nintendo wouldn't like to break this experience. Of course TOH could be extended to the sides and have all the buttons attached. But then it will be bulky and expensive at low quantities.

Stefanix ( 2014-05-14 17:19:50 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-05-13 11:54:57 +0200

Larswad gravatar image

updated 2014-05-13 12:01:05 +0200

Emulators in general i think would be nice if they could be ported more easily. Jolla supports sdl2, but I think nearly all emus out there use at most sdl1.2. vice for instance, or frodo. Same thing with Stella atari 2600 and in principle all other emulators. As long as we don't have XWayland and/or sdl1.2 possibilities it will take years before we get any support for the most open source stuff out there. Adapting our own versions of the existing emulators to sailfish and sdl2 would be enourmous work. It is better if jolla could give us official support with sdl 1.2 as an alternative to sdl 2.0

The downside is of course that there will be no hardware acceleration support and that might make the experience/impression of the ports not so good. Jolla might be very concerned about having every application top notch in performance, giving the OS platform a good rep. If they open the sdl1.2, they also open a flood that might be hard to get back from. Once you'd have all the non-accelerated apps on the platform, the incentive to bring them up to sdl 2.0 or opengles acceleration is probably gone. It is a very important thing to think carefully about for a new OS platform. How do we prioritize the Sailfish expectations? Lots of apps from open source communities or less apps but with good hardware supported performance?

Side question: Can sdl 1.2 and sdl 2.0 exist side by side without conflict?

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It is reasonably trivial to port applications from SDL1.2 to SDL2, and now that SDL2's been released, it would feel bad if we had to go back to the hackish "GLES" SDL1.2 fork .

javispedro ( 2014-05-13 14:32:17 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-05-12 15:31:40 +0200

Seen: 493 times

Last updated: May 13 '14