2013-12-24 20:49:54 +0200
6514 ●41 ●48 ●51 moderator
I've been trying something out too. Let me explain my reasoning first.
There's an Unanswered section.
I think this is a place where Jolla users (as well as sailors) can answer general questions which are achievable without Jolla having to develop a feature or code. Development help; support with general usage - that kind of thing.
I think the "Jolla, can you add feature XYZ?" questions clog this up - but they're still valuable and we still want them asked (and answered!).
Basically I want to keep the Unanswered area useful for our community because it's easy to access and a great way to help each other out.
So I'm adding some boilerplate answers to these feature request questions and adding a tag voteforme
What this means:
- The Unanswered section should have questions that the community can answer - go, answer them!
- Please add voteforme to questions which you want others to support
- Click on a voteforme tag and vote for things you want Jolla to do - we're listening (and this will allow us to show the top voted items)
If this doesn't work out then please add feedback here and I'll revert it :)
Nb one idea I have is to ask @eric to make the Unanaswered section skip questions marked voteforme
...I also did this I have to admit:)
Low ( 2013-12-24 20:06:54 +0200 )edit