basic smartphone functions: video call, internet call
the question is very simple. On Jolla, how can one make/receive video calls or at least normal audio calls over internet?
if this functionality is not yet available; will it be implemented and when?
How I do this currently: my brother/parents calls to my local number.
Then I launch an Android app (Skype for example) and move to a secluded area (since the Audio comes out through the speakers).
And this isn't a good experience.
Any suggestions to help is welcome. Any tips or how other users make audio calls over internet. Thanks.
Edit: this is not a request to include any particular 'centralized, proprietary' service compatibility. I just want to make voice calls over internet, that's all.
I think Jolla should not focus on centralized, proprietary services like Skype. Support of those services is up to the owners of those systems, or to third-party developers if API's are available. And IIRC, Microsoft has withdrawn Skype's API. SIP VoIP, an open and decentralized VoIP protocol in heavy use, is partially supported on Jolla, with full support coming. VoIP using XMPP would also be an option.
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-05-17 16:25:00 +0200 )editLots of problems with Skype.....Can't call w/audio+video, only receive calls. Sometimes works sometimes not. Its a drag....
t0mps0 ( 2014-05-17 17:13:38 +0200 )editA webrtc solution where a user can communicate with another person by sending a link to open to his browser would also be nice.
ApB ( 2014-05-17 17:51:44 +0200 )edit