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Sports Tracker app for Sailfish?

asked 2014-05-19 08:46:20 +0200

Tuokki gravatar image

It is really a pity that Sports Tracker is not available on Jolla and that the Android version does not work stable. Please Go to write a petitation for native Sailfish version for Jolla.

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Sports Tracker's response: " Juan (Employee) 11 hours ago Hi Tuomas, as you mention we don't have the resources to develop and maintain an app for Jolla at this point. Some people has managed to install our app but the main issue is that the platform lacks the Google Maps component that our current apps are using."

Tuokki ( 2014-05-19 23:27:24 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-05-19 10:22:53 +0200

Pierre gravatar image

If you have openrepos installed on your jolla you can give a try to MeeRun => https://openrepos.net/content/bwalter/meerun-sports-tracker-0

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I am used to use Endomondo Android app since many years but MeeRun looks interesting. I installed it but didn't try it yet.

juju_des_highlands ( 2014-05-19 15:10:07 +0200 )edit

Excellent. I thought that this is not yet available for Jolla !

Tuokki ( 2014-05-19 15:33:17 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-05-19 11:14:47 +0200

fblm gravatar image

updated 2014-05-19 11:15:36 +0200

Also on openrepos.net: rena


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Asked: 2014-05-19 08:46:20 +0200

Seen: 1,191 times

Last updated: May 19 '14