Do not use the pulley menu for UI elements
Please do not use the pulley menu for infos.
For example: In the calendar view, the weekdays are hidden in the pulley menu. It makes the UI confusing.
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Please do not use the pulley menu for infos.
For example: In the calendar view, the weekdays are hidden in the pulley menu. It makes the UI confusing.
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Asked: 2014-05-22 13:50:41 +0200
Seen: 366 times
Last updated: May 22 '14
Calendar: move "change year" to pulley menu
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I'd say it makes the UI tidier, hiding less (frequently) relevant information. The weekdays and especially the week numbers fall nicely into this category and personally I'm happy that they're a gesture away from visibility. Would you care to provide more examples of this?
What I do find an unfavorable approach is placing an "About" option appear in a pulldown as the first item.
fercen ( 2014-05-22 14:31:53 +0200 )edit@fercen: Another example is the date on the lock screen. Why is it hidden? There is plenty of space to display it. Personally I do not want to interact with the UI, if it is not necessary.
kMan ( 2014-05-22 16:26:53 +0200 )edit@kMan Because it's relatively static information. You don't need to access it very often, probably like twice a day. If the alternative is to be shown it 50 times a day (48 of which unnecessarily), it makes sense to hide it.
fercen ( 2014-05-22 16:37:29 +0200 )editThank you for pointing my attention to this feature - I had'nt even noticed the week numbers until now ;-) Now I know where to find them.
darvari ( 2014-05-22 18:54:10 +0200 )edit@darvari: I think the Jolla User Guide may interest you. :-)
phle ( 2014-05-22 21:16:51 +0200 )edit