international clock [duplicate]

asked 2014-05-31 16:16:46 +0200

muchasuerte gravatar image

updated 2014-07-12 03:35:04 +0200

simo gravatar image

would be nice display tow or more international clock.

May be the main clock on the lock screen could be split in tow:

  • the local time discovered by mobile info
  • and 1 or more time zone (from the settings could be nice have the option to chose which clock to display on the lock screen)

I close this question because is related to that one

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The question has been closed for the following reason "duplicate question" by muchasuerte
close date 2014-06-01 12:21:32.839544


Would you see this other suggestion ( worth voting and would it solve your question, if applied in production?

statler ( 2014-05-31 19:39:06 +0200 )edit