Where can I see the precedance of the selected sounds?
I can change the sounds in the "setup" and under the "ambiance". I did not find a hint which of the two is the active one.
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I can change the sounds in the "setup" and under the "ambiance". I did not find a hint which of the two is the active one.
answered 2014-06-05 02:25:36 +0200
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Asked: 2014-06-04 14:49:03 +0200
Seen: 143 times
Last updated: Jun 05 '14
Confusion with system sound settings and ambience sounds
Ambience: Something for esoterics?
Why do ambiences which have sounds on the SD Card lose their settings periodically?
User wants to see certain part of picture as a Lock Screen background [answered]
How to change Ambiences really fast [answered]
Themes (not just ambiences) [answered]
Suggestion: Turn off ambience force [released]
image editing doesn't work with png [duplicate]
Looks like a duplicate: https://together.jolla.com/question/8901/confusion-with-system-sound-settings-and-ambience-sounds/
Jörg ( 2014-06-04 15:00:42 +0200 )edit