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Confusion with system sound settings and ambience sounds

asked 2014-01-02 20:11:48 +0300

lk gravatar image

updated 2015-05-12 16:57:31 +0300

bennypr0fane gravatar image

Pardon me because following question partially overlaps with this one.

I agree with the post linked above but I'd like to ask it broader: Sound settings in system menu show always 'jolla-ringtone' as my ringtone, no matter which ambience I use and what ringtone has been set from ambience settings. Likewise, if I set a ringtone from system settings, it doesn't affect the current ambience.

Ambiences that are marked with a little star as favorites in the Ambience section of the Gallery app (and hence can be accessed by side-swiping from the homescreen), have their own tone-settings and override the system defaults when active. The other Ambiences that are not marked as favourites (and thus don't appear next to the home screen) do not have their own tone-settings. When a non-favorite Ambience is active, it leaves the system defaults in place.

It makes me really confused because I'm one of those people who search sound settings from system settings and it caused a bit of frustration when settings I made from system menu had no effect. To my sense it would be logical that the menu in system sound settings would show and affect current ambience. At least system sound settings menu should state which settings it affects, if not current. Or even better, changing this behaviour to a more sensible one seems to be a better solution.

For instance, when I go to the sounds section of the settings app, it could take me to the current Ambience's settings page, provided that it is a favorite one that has its own settings, and to the system defaults one if it is not. Otherwise, surely Jolla will come up with a solution that makes more sense to a new user.

Considering also the post linked, sound settings seem to need a little unifying.

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I think this is related to my question: https://together.jolla.com/question/6157/bug-jolla-ringtone-in-preview-is-different-from-the-one-selected/ and really confused me.

Sailor ( 2014-01-02 20:41:45 +0300 )edit

Ah, sorry, my mistake. I made searches at least with "sounds" and "ambience" but didn't notice your question. Anyway this is a suggestion to devs, when they don't have anything more urgent to fix (they sure do... ;)

lk ( 2014-01-03 01:55:44 +0300 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-01-02 22:48:19 +0300

Edir gravatar image

updated 2015-05-12 15:34:55 +0300

bennypr0fane gravatar image

User made ambiance overrides standard aka system settings. The Standard settings are used when you use non user made ambiance. Ringtone standard volume are used if you have non of the ambiances "starred". The alarm sound settings are the only one that does not follow this rule and always uses the standard settings regardless of your ambiance settings which I personally finds illogical and a tad disappointing.

If someone have found a way to make the alarms obey your ambiance settings I would be very interested in your findings. Hopefully it is only a bug that will be fixed with a future release.

Edit: As bennyp0fane pointed out in another answer. Standard settings are used if you use an ambience that is not favoured regardless if it's user made or not. I overlooked this as I've never used a nonfavoured ambience or a pre-installed one.

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I kinda found out that system settings are default and now I see the idea behind. Even more I think there should be one straight logic with no exceptions.

By a glance, others too have complained about alarm not being in line with system. It seems to be a bug, hope it'll get fixed.

lk ( 2014-01-03 02:26:17 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-07-17 01:16:27 +0300

bennypr0fane gravatar image

updated 2015-05-12 15:50:39 +0300

At least for the current release ( Tahkalampi), the first answer is not correct. On my Jolla, I see this behavior: Ambiences that are marked as favorites in the Ambience section of the Gallery app, marked with a little star (and thus can be accessed by side-swiping from the homescreen) , regardless of whether they're user-made or pre-installed, have their own tone-settings and override the system defaults when active. The other Ambiences that are not marked as favourites (and thus don't appear next to the home screen) do not have their own tone-settings. When a non-favorite Ambience is active, it leaves the system defaults in place.

However, this is just a clarification to the problem raised above - not a solution: When a favourite ambience is active (which is more likely to be the case than a non-favourited one), we have to go to the Gallery app when we want to adjust ringtones and other system sounds. This is obviously very counter-intuitive and also it doesn't say so anywhere except here.

The standard procedure for changing the system sounds should be going to sounds in system settings. Changes made there should take effect on the currently active user experience, regardless of the related ambience's status as favourited or not. The problem of linking customized sound settings to specific Ambiences should be addressed in a more intuitive and transparent way.

For instance, when I go to the sounds section of the settings app, it could take me to the current Ambience's settings page, provided that it is a favorite one that has its own settings, and to the system defaults one if it is not. Otherwise, surely Jolla will come up with a solution that makes more sense to a new user.

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I will make a thread asking to explain this matter in the Ambience section of the Gallery app and link it here so everyone can vote.

bennypr0fane ( 2014-07-17 01:18:10 +0300 )edit

with Äijänpäivänjärvi this confusion still continues...

Vesa ( 2015-05-05 10:21:57 +0300 )edit

Sorry, I was planning to but did not make a thread for that. Changing this behaviour to a more sensible one seems to be a better solution than explaining how it works now. Please just vote here!

bennypr0fane ( 2015-05-12 15:54:17 +0300 )edit

Also kind of related, why does changing the volume(with volume rocker) not beeing in any app won't affect volume from custom Ambience? I don't want to change the volume in the Ambience settings. Should be imho possible as fast access like in other systems with the volume rocker.

xllndr ( 2015-05-12 16:02:27 +0300 )edit

answered 2015-05-13 18:18:54 +0300

lakutalo gravatar image

Another suggestion would be also to change ambience settings where they are chosen (side swipe in home screen) by long-tapping on them, as I requested here: https://together.jolla.com/question/80974/change-ambience-settings-in-ambience-switcher/

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Asked: 2014-01-02 20:11:48 +0300

Seen: 1,399 times

Last updated: May 13 '15