Support lifecycle for first device
For how long will the first Jolla device have official support? In particular, since a second device has been announced, how does that affect the support for the first device?
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For how long will the first Jolla device have official support? In particular, since a second device has been announced, how does that affect the support for the first device?
the first Jolla's phone will be fully support for 16/18 moths form now. we have a lots of months to have a better and better Sailfish OS optimyzed for our phone.
I guess Jolla is dependent on the hardware manufactures, and how willing they are to release open drivers or at least open specs. Qualcomm isn't very forthcoming in that regard, to put it mildly. They keep things in closed blobs. As such, we're stuck with Linux kernel 3.4 and Android drivers, because the lack of drivers for newer kernels. (Much like the N9 is stuck on the aging 2.6 kernel) And some point, those manufactures simply won't provide software support for their hardware.
The situation is bad. It's the reason there never was a fully usable Android port for the N9, and why there's no fully working Sailfish image for the N9.
A community sometimes can work around it by hacking, using reverse engineered drivers or ""stealing"" the drivers from other devices.
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-07-18 20:22:22 +0200 )editWould you prefer the Mediatek situation, where drivers are not available at all?
Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2014-07-18 22:26:25 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-06-08 00:06:47 +0200
Seen: 661 times
Last updated: Jul 18 '14
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