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is the jolla phone's hardware reliable ?

asked 2014-06-08 02:10:57 +0200

freemanuu gravatar image

When looking at the question, I saw lots of problem like the shutdown (fixed by adding a paper in order to have more pressure on the battery), people are also saying the glass can easily be broken ...

So, I'm asking to all people with a jolla phone: when did you buy this phone and do you have any problem ? (What kind of problem ?)

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Had once since December. In regular daily use and no problems encountered.


richardski ( 2014-06-08 02:16:14 +0200 )edit

Have been using Jolla from December 11th. Have dropped it twice with just a slight scratch on the metal frame. No confirmed problems which relate to hardware malfunction. Software has been getting more stable with upgrades and is very stable in my use at the moment. I can't recall when was the last time Jolla rebooted itself.

Jolla095 ( 2014-06-08 11:11:05 +0200 )edit

I've had my phone since late January and haven't encountered any hardware problems so far. There isn't even a scratch on the screen, and I don't even take care of it that well. YMMV.

nthn ( 2014-06-08 11:50:37 +0200 )edit

No problems for me (battery, SIM), got it since december. No protection, fell (hard) several times, no damage except small dents on metal frame. I'd say that screen and frame are quite robust, I've broken twice a Nexus 4 in about the same circumstances.

idiallo ( 2014-06-08 12:14:38 +0200 )edit

mine works fine since december, i use it as my main phone

Macilaci457 ( 2014-06-08 18:01:28 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-06-08 03:33:37 +0200

Fuzzillogic gravatar image

I've a "first one". So far no issues. It is my daily device, carrying it in jeans pocket without screen protector or casing, but I do tend to be careful with these devices: no dropping, moisture, keys-in-same-pocket, exert force, etc. The device still looks like new. Given my usage pattern however, I would be disappointed if that wasn't the case.

Current uptime is 30 days, after the first and only unrecoverable crash (that is, I had to remove the battery) of the device so far. I do believe this was a software issue too, and I guess after next updates these issues will become even less frequent. FWIW, my N9 did manage 120+ days uptime (then I got the Jolla) but it needed some manual encouragement in the form of periodically restarting services to get that far. Jolla seems more stable than that.

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Same answer as fuzzilogic. Im a ”first one”. I take care of the device and now using the insmat flipcase for the last two weeks. Device is as good as new. Havent had a single shutdown since applying the paper trick on battery. I expect software solution to emerge soon.

viskari ( 2014-06-08 10:16:08 +0200 )edit

For me, if you have to put a paper, then it's a hardware issue. I don't see how a software issue can make more pressure on the battery. But as long as it works with the paper, then maybe it's not a big problem ....

freemanuu ( 2014-06-08 10:46:43 +0200 )edit

I agree about the paper, but I do not think phones are designed to have the battery removed frequently, same principle applies to sim card and the sd card. Personally I try to avoid removing/swapping for no particular reason.

pmelas ( 2014-06-08 13:01:53 +0200 )edit

Also a "first one". So far the only thing I worry about is the micro-USB connection. It's very flimsy and some times I have to wiggle it to get it to connect/charge. I suspect it'll break at some time, and I really do expect a free repair.

Tanghus ( 2014-06-08 13:11:41 +0200 )edit

Tanghus, one of the first things I have noted about the Jolla is the clever metal housing around the USB port that prevents bending it off the mainboard too easily. Are you sure the contact issue is not related to the Jolla supplied USB cable? I find the connection with the Nokia 808 supplied charger is much mor sturdy. One cable is not the other cable.

vandersmash ( 2014-06-08 20:29:14 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-08 02:47:16 +0200

molan gravatar image

updated 2014-06-08 04:00:32 +0200

That's a very good question and everyone might have different experiences. I bought the phone back in November (got it in December) and have been using it since then every day as my daily phone - overall (and compared to past phones) I'm happy with the hardware. Unfortunately my device is a bit a "trouble child" causing following bad experiences:

-Shutdown problem due to lose battery: Adding the paper is no clean solution but it works well, I'm not bothered by that anymore
-SIM card gets disconnected (but reconnects itself if no PIN code is set): This problem seems to come and go. It was bad a couple days ago, recently I'm not bothered by it anymore. But putting pressure on back cover can still cause the SIM card to connect. I'm in contact with Jolla Care now.

My good experiences:
-It's the first device where I haven't used any protections (covers) at all so far - that thing still looks like new (except for a tiny scratch on the metal part when my phone fell on the floor that one time).
-Display glass seems to be very strong: Even under light I can only see one small scratch (not visible under normal conditions). I used my last phone (a Nokia N9) the same way I use the Jolla, but my N9 unfortunately had quiet a lot of scratches soon. I don't know how easily it can break - but I think every smartphone display is vulnerable.
-"The Other Half" backcovers are very resistant. My Aloa TOH has a small scratch, the other TOHs nothing at all. Plus TOH is a bit bigger than the front side of the phone, which gives a nice protection. The hole back cover (TOH) can be easily replaced by another one in case you somehow manage to break it.
-I'm very happy with the rest of the internal and external hardware and don't observe any other problems.

So I would say (after 6month of use) that the hardware is reliable, except for those 2 problems which affect some phones (not sure if it still affects phones bought by now). It's not as bad as the famous iPhone "antennagate" or the Galaxy S2 micro-USB connector issue, but those problems can be annoying. So far I had to send in all my previous smartphones at least once for warranty repair, so I seem to attract such problems...

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I bought the phone, I think in feb, and so far I have no h/w reliability issues at all. I dropped the phone once, luckily no marks or other damage, overall the phone feels sturdy, compared with other phones e.g. it does not feel as plastic as some other phones. I do not tend to swap SIM cards or the SD 64GB card, no problems there either. Before buying the phone I was sceptical about screen resolution, getting the phone I forgot completely about that was an issue. Very occasionally, I had to reboot the phone because of switching network connectivity, but the are mostly addressed with new OS updates. I use it as my main phone now and I expect the new update to resolve completely such issues. Battery life is really good, the phone's camera is also good.

pmelas ( 2014-06-08 03:19:10 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-06-08 02:10:57 +0200

Seen: 770 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '14