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Call log still not working satisfying in

asked 2014-06-10 12:13:00 +0200

SagaciousT gravatar image

The reelase notes say: Call log now displays phone number type (mobile, work, phone) for contacts with multiple phone numbers

My phone does not display the type in the call log, but the classification ("Einordnung" in German; don't know the term for other languages), i.e. private or business instead of mobile or fixed line. I have a contact with 3 private entrys (one fixed line, two mobile) and it always displays private, so I still don't know which number is assigned to this entry of the call log list. I'd suggest that the associated number is displayed instead of the type or classification (Einordnung).

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Personally, I didn't see ANY difference at all. I can't tell whether its a mobile or not. It shows just the name of the contact for me. Do I have to clear the log?

Larswad ( 2014-06-10 12:16:20 +0200 )edit

I haven't seen any differences also until I assigned a classification to the numbers. I've only assigned a type before. And the type is not displayed, only the classification. I've also thought about clearing the log, but you need to add a classification. This seems to be a bug.

SagaciousT ( 2014-06-10 12:20:23 +0200 )edit

I gotta see if it changes a little when I get a few calls from other contacts home number. BTW, searched around but couldn't find out how to clear call log.

Larswad ( 2014-06-10 12:45:51 +0200 )edit

No, I cannot change entries to ground line (Fasta telefonnätet) for some reason, only have mobile, none, assistant, fax, beeper, video. What the hell, how do I set it to fixed ground line? Dammit, this is so completely outside any kind of logic behavior. And still, this google-account duplication of linked entries everywhere. The phonebook and call log implementation is still messy.

Larswad ( 2014-06-10 12:56:09 +0200 )edit

If I set it to "none", it displays "Telefon" (i.e. phone). However, the type is not displayed anyway, only the classification is displayed.

SagaciousT ( 2014-06-10 12:59:54 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-06-11 01:52:56 +0200

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updated 2014-06-11 01:52:56 +0200

jgr gravatar image

Indeed, the call log gives you the "Einordnung" only. However, When you tap one of the call log entries, the number selection screen for that contact has activated the number which was calling. (I think, this is quite sensible: Because with many contacts, you cannot know all numbers from mind and get the info whether someone called you privately or from business. When you intend to call back, you are directed to the number that was calling you.)

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But only if you have direct dialling disabled. This is the same behavior as before. I'd like to see the number besides the contact.

SagaciousT ( 2014-06-11 07:48:44 +0200 )edit

...AND the type. Like so:

John Rambo 12:40

555-55555 Mobile * Private

where the second line is in small font. Or even better, make it configurable. I understand there is work and man hours behind this, but it is a suggestion how I personally would prefer it.

Larswad ( 2014-06-11 13:46:57 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-06-11 19:06:54 +0200

roboro gravatar image

I have created a patchmanager patch for this, to show the dialed phone number on the calllog page. Its available on openrepos, currently as a separate package patchmanager-better-calllog. Sfiet has added me as a patch maintainer for patchmanager, so this should soon be part of the base patches package.

The fix is fairly straightforward, and I can share it here, but I would recommend using patchmanager as it provides a safe mechanism for making these sorts of changes to Jolla specific qml files.

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Great! That's exactly what I've wanted. Thank you!

SagaciousT ( 2014-06-11 22:48:56 +0200 )edit

i installed this patch and then uninstalled it, including the patch manager. now my call log behaves strange. some of the entires no longer show "Personal" or "Work" etc even though they have multiple phone numbers. do you have a copy of the original qml files? and which files are these?

droll ( 2014-06-12 04:24:37 +0200 )edit

I doubt that this is really related, nonetheless... patchmanager always creates a backup of the original file in the source directory before it changes it, so while my patch is active, on my phone, in /usr/share/voicecall-ui-jolla/qml/pages/calllog/ there is a file CallLogItem.qml.webosinternals.orig which is the original qml file that was modified by the patch. Obviously, if you disable my patch... this file is moved back to CallLogItem.qml and the patch is no longer active. This is why using patchmanager is a sensible approach, as it always ensures that a backup of the original file is available. If this file is not present for you, then probably you are back to using the original file. I believe that if you uninstall patchmanager, it disables all patches as part of the uninstall process. If you still believe that something has gone wrong with calllog due to this patch, you can reinstall it from scratch: pkcon install voicecall-ui-jolla

roboro ( 2014-06-12 11:26:22 +0200 )edit

Incidentally, if numbers in your phone are not categorized as Personal or Work, they don't display anything next to the caller in the new calllog... I have a load of these, which is part of the reason I created the patch.

roboro ( 2014-06-12 11:28:10 +0200 )edit

Also, I noticed that the numbers have to match exactly for the new callog to mark them up as Personal/Work. For instance... I have a number in my phone that is prefixed with the country code, e.g. +44. When I get a call from that number, the country code is not included since I am in the same location, and the new calllog doesn't mark it as Personal... however, when I make a call to that same number from my phone, the dialler logs it as with the country code and it appears as Personal in the calllog. So incoming calls aren't tagged for that number, but outgoing ones are. Don't blame me... its a poorly thought out approach. My solution just includes about 10 extra lines of qml to create an extra row that includes the number that is stored in the calllog database. There is no extra fancy code or anything.

roboro ( 2014-06-12 11:34:00 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-06-10 12:13:00 +0200

Seen: 510 times

Last updated: Jun 11 '14