Battery not charging after Saapunki update [not relevant]

asked 2014-06-11 12:44:55 +0200

blindBombus gravatar image

updated 2014-06-11 15:00:48 +0200

For some reason, after installing Saapunki update, battery won't charge when USB is connected. This is the first time I've experienced any problem with battery or USB connectivity. When I plug USB, it asks if I want to connect to computer or just charge battery, even though the USB is connected to charger, not computer. Today I noticed that battery did not charge during the night and now I'm having problems trying to get the battery charge. It seems that the phone doesn't recognize that the USB is connected.

Do you think that the problem is in the hardware (which would be shame, because USB-connection should not break only after 6 months of use) or could it be some kind of weird bug caused by the update?

EDIT: Now I was able to get some power to battery. Sailfish says that battery is full and at the same time show that battery has 25% charge. And while I wrote this, the charge has gone down to 23% in couple of minutes even though I don't have WLAN, or GPS enabled. Either my battery is broken or there is something badly broken in the OS. Charge also dropped from 46% to 25% while the phone wasn't even on.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by r0kk3rz
close date 2015-07-01 16:25:56.159869


A bit obvious thing to do.. but have you tried different chargers?

onion ( 2014-06-11 12:55:46 +0200 )edit

Did you try a reboot ?

fblm ( 2014-06-11 13:00:51 +0200 )edit

I've tried rebooting, removed the battery, tried with my own charger and now at work with micro-usb of my co-worker connected to PC. It could be that there really is some kind of HW problem that just happened to appear at the same time with OS update. But yeah... Jolla seems to have problems to recognize it has usb-cord connected to it.

blindBombus ( 2014-06-11 13:13:51 +0200 )edit

@blindBombus: That sometimes the menu pops up when connecting a charger is something that happens when putting in the USB plug too slowly, or not far enough in the connector. So check if your connector is clean and there is nothing stopping the cable from going in deep enough. Also try to check if your battery pins are good and the contact area is clean. The last bit of the dmesg after plugging in the battery could be interesting to see if there is an issue (easy to do if you have developer mode. Just connect over ssh on USB, devel-su and do dmesg. Copy paste the last 40-50 lines somewhere to a pastebin like piratepad or so and put the link here)

Philippe De Swert ( 2014-06-11 15:39:12 +0200 )edit

On my Jolla phone (an early preorder), it always asks if I want to connect to computer or just charge battery, even when I am on a power cord. It is doing that even now when I've upgraded the OS to that release with Qt 5 in it.

htw ( 2014-12-22 09:25:40 +0200 )edit