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Add an Android app as "Device Administrator"

asked 2014-06-13 15:36:34 +0200

mitrigol gravatar image

updated 2014-06-13 16:26:40 +0200


I face an issue where an Android app ask me to "activate device administrator for APPNAME" there is a little "Activate" button, but when i click on it, i get "Unsupported Action" message. This app is genuine and can be trusted.

On Android, there is a "Device Administrator" menu where you can manage apps. Is there a way to do this on the Jolla yet?

Best regards.

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I'm facing the same issue. I installed MobileIron's Mobile@Work and as part of the activation process I had the same issue.


JuhaL ( 2014-08-19 21:27:47 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-06-16 16:44:09 +0200

Krishnash gravatar image

Hi... Just wanted to check if there is any update to this issue? Does not seem to be resolved as yet.... Any update will be highly appreciated.. Thanks!

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whats the point of administrating jolla with android? android apps are sandboxed on jolla, at most you would end up managing only your android apps.

tortoisedoc ( 2015-12-04 16:30:42 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-06-13 15:36:34 +0200

Seen: 623 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '15