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Problem with syncing a caldav account

asked 2014-06-25 22:54:07 +0300

Aegan gravatar image

updated 2014-06-26 00:29:55 +0300

Hi, Added a General caldav account (with some help from my calendar provider). Account seems to work fine. It finds the calendar on that account but it doesn't show up in the calendar app. So I can't use it. Added an event in the future if that would have helped but no. Is the caldav support somehow unfinished or just broken?

Edit: Got the following info from my calendar providers support (removed some personal data from it): "Maybe it's having trouble with the #calendars item - but it seems that other clients complain if it's NOT there. It's the top-level resource. There's no follow-up request though, this is the only request with that User-agent string."

> Looks like your phone sent this
> request:
> /dav/calendars/user/user_name/
> HTTP/1.0 Content-type:
> application/xml; charset=utf-8
> Connection: close Content-length: 273
> Host: censored
> User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 Prefer:
> return-minimal Depth: 1
> Accept-language: en-GB,*
> Authorization: Basic ...              
> Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
> <d:propfind xmlns:d="DAV:"
> xmlns:cs="http://calendarserver.org/ns/"
> xmlns:c="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"
> xmlns:ca="http://apple.com/ns/ical/"><d:prop><d:resourcetype
> /><d:current-user-principal
> /><d:displayname /><cs:getctag
> /><ca:calendar-color
> /></d:prop></d:propfind>
> And the response:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:"
> xmlns:cs="http://calendarserver.org/ns/"
> xmlns:c="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav"
> xmlns:ca="http://apple. com/ns/ical/">
> <d:response>
>     <d:href>/dav/calendars/user/user_name/</d:href>
>     <d:propstat>
>       <d:prop>
>         <d:displayname><![CDATA[#calendars]]></d:displayname>
>         <d:current-user-principal>
>           <d:href>/dav/principals/user/user_name/</d:href>
>         </d:current-user-principal>
>         <d:resourcetype>
>           <d:collection/>
>         </d:resourcetype>
>       </d:prop>
>       <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>
>     </d:propstat>
>     <d:propstat>
>       <d:prop>
>         <ca:calendar-color/>
>         <cs:getctag/>
>       </d:prop>
>       <d:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</d:status>
>     </d:propstat>   </d:response>   <d:response>
>     <d:href>/dav/calendars/user/user_name/Default/</d:href>
>     <d:propstat>
>       <d:prop>
>         <cs:getctag>http://cyrusimap.org/ns/sync/1396814913-25355</cs:getctag>
>         <d:displayname><![CDATA[Default]]></d:displayname>
>         <d:current-user-principal>
>           <d:href>/dav/principals/user/user_name/</d:href>
>         </d:current-user-principal>
>         <d:resourcetype>
>           <d:collection/>
>           <c:calendar/>
>         </d:resourcetype>
>       </d:prop>
>       <d:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</d:status>
>     </d:propstat>
>     <d:propstat>
>       <d:prop>
>         <ca:calendar-color/>
>       </d:prop>
>       <d:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</d:status>
>     </d:propstat>   </d:response> </d:multistatus>
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1 Answer

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answered 2014-06-26 14:16:49 +0300

Fellfrosch gravatar image

updated 2014-06-26 14:19:30 +0300

Have you already synced it? For me it showed up after the first sync.

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I second that. Sync or reboot. It did the job for my owncloud calendars.

strayobject ( 2014-06-26 16:04:48 +0300 )edit

Doesn't work. In settings -> accounts it shows the calendar but not in the calendar app. Have rebooted and manually synced. Could try deleting and re-adding.

Aegan ( 2014-06-26 16:16:23 +0300 )edit

exactly same problem here...

toba ( 2014-06-26 16:20:51 +0300 )edit

Started working after i deleted and re-added the account .

Aegan ( 2014-06-26 16:55:16 +0300 )edit

did you reboot in between? i did that and it didn't work...

toba ( 2014-06-26 23:45:24 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2014-06-25 22:54:07 +0300

Seen: 651 times

Last updated: Jun 26 '14