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[bug] some android notifications still appear after cleaning on Jolla

asked 2014-07-03 11:09:31 +0200

gunt3er gravatar image

Subject. Do not know how to solve.

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what do you mean by cleaning? If you mean that same androide notifications keep reappearing, then it's an old bug. But you can easyly get rid of them by just tapping on notification (do not select "Clear notifications"), like you want to open it.

virgi26 ( 2014-08-22 11:05:03 +0200 )edit

I have tried it, it doesn`t work. Same notifications will appear again.

gunt3er ( 2014-08-22 11:10:41 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2016-03-08 18:31:40 +0200

OsoPardo gravatar image

some work-around there : https://together.jolla.com/question/115650/11928-reappearing-notifications-download-manager/

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answered 2014-08-21 20:44:56 +0200

XiliX gravatar image

what kind of notifications? e.g. sync, whatsapp, updates etc?

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Hi there! Will try to explain. I have downloaded some JPG images with VK app. Notifications, telling that some images were downloaded successfully and some were not, appeared in notification screen. I`ve cleaned all the notifications through pulley menu. After some time later they appeared again. And it always act like that.

Here are the pictures: 1) Notification screen

2) Clearing

3) Clean notification screen

4) They appear again after some time

gunt3er ( 2014-08-22 11:04:35 +0200 )edit

Experiencing the same after downloading some ringtones using MobCup. Cannot get rid of the notifications (permanently). They return with new download time. App has been uninstalled,reinstalled and removed again since. The app generates own download folder that has been renamed since.

mj ( 2014-08-26 22:04:01 +0200 )edit

I see exactly the same behavior here. Download notifications from Android keep reappearing after deleting them. In my case, it was from downloading an update from within the Threema app. How can I can get rid of these events?

Edit: After reboot, the notifications reaopeared once, but now they finally seem to be gone.

KRM ( 2014-09-14 22:03:49 +0200 )edit

Downloaded a PDF via AndroidChrome months. No matter how many times I remove/cancel the notification it keeps re-appearing. Using BR;

Jonas.Poulsen ( 2015-04-29 14:09:42 +0200 )edit

same with download of updated threema app notification

pawel ( 2015-05-04 07:38:12 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-05-03 21:48:35 +0200

KRM gravatar image

A work-around to get rid of at least download notifications seems to be tapping on them (even if you already removed the downloaded file). The notification seems not to reappeaf after that.

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Asked: 2014-07-03 11:09:31 +0200

Seen: 657 times

Last updated: Mar 08 '16