Request: Jolla account to be used in all Jolla services
With great astonishment I have learned during past 2 weeks that you actually can't log into:
- Jolla shop
- Jolla care
with your Jolla account, which works in Jolla store and Correct me if this is NOT the case, but this is my experience.
My request is that all Jolla services would be available using same credential (= Jolla account)
I can log in to Jolla Shop with the same credentials I use for Store and TJC (except I have to enter my email address, not the username I have chosen, but the password is the same). But I pre-ordered my Jolla from the Shop and created my Jolla account then, I don't know if it's different if you bought your Jolla elsewhere.
I can't log in to Jolla Service and Support ( though. (Is that the same as Jolla Care?)
ssahla ( 2014-07-04 18:37:05 +0200 )edit