DatePicker year selection more future years

asked 2014-07-09 12:38:36 +0200

lukedirtwalker gravatar image

updated 2014-07-09 13:32:33 +0200

eric gravatar image

From the current year value datepicker shows 100-110 years before, but only around 40-50 in the future. (e.g. if current year is 2014 it shows the range 1910 - 2060)

I suggest that there should be an option to manually enter a year if it isn't in this range, or to make this range larger.

Example problem I hit was: Contact changed facebook birthday to 1920, I wanted to change it back to 1980, but had to do it in 2 steps first select 1970 (as this was the end of list) then select 1980. This is annoying.

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