Sending files over bluetooth [duplicate]
Is there a way to transfer files over bluetooth? I didn't find any way to share some downloaded files to another phone.
Gallery has the option, but what about other files?
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Is there a way to transfer files over bluetooth? I didn't find any way to share some downloaded files to another phone.
Gallery has the option, but what about other files?
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Asked: 2014-07-11 12:05:33 +0200
Seen: 1,441 times
Last updated: Jul 11 '14
I've received files (an apk), but I've never sent one. I will check if there's something somewhere.
magullo ( 2014-07-11 12:12:23 +0200 )editSeems to be a duplicate to this one
solisti ( 2014-07-11 12:18:10 +0200 )editSo I think there isn't support for it (yet)?
solisti ( 2014-07-11 12:18:47 +0200 )editIn the mean time, just rename the file to change the extension, then, you are able to send it!
Jordi ( 2014-07-11 13:21:55 +0200 )editDuplicate of which question? I'm unable to access duplicate question can some one point?
copyninja ( 2014-10-28 07:25:13 +0200 )edit