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[feature request] Pull-down menu for app folders

asked 2014-07-15 22:40:10 +0200

mjtorn gravatar image

updated 2014-07-25 13:25:39 +0200

jiit gravatar image


The folders are unfortunately un-Jolla-like to use.

A pull-down menu with at least the two following would make them seem more intuitive:

  1. Set name
  2. Remove

Removing the active folder would drop the icons to the main screen.

The current way of clicking the name to edit doesn't feel correct; clicking is used for buttons and (+) type buttons to add things. This is neither.

What do you guys think? A definite improvement?

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3) Choose icon :-)

hzb ( 2014-07-15 22:45:07 +0200 )edit

tap to rename was really hard to find, i was expecting pulley menu.

Whippler ( 2014-07-15 23:08:45 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-07-15 23:03:24 +0200

ssahla gravatar image

updated 2014-07-15 23:17:06 +0200

I'd prefer a solution where you first have to enter the edit/rearrange mode and then you can tap the folder icon or name to edit it. If a "remove" function is needed, there could be a symbol for that, like the x's on apps. No need to introduce the pulley menu here, because this functionality fits nicely in the edit mode – and, in my opinion, even belongs there, not in the "normal" mode where you browse and launch apps. All edit functions in the same place. There could be a colour change or some other visual effect in the folder name and icon to signal that they are now editable.

I too dislike the current tap-to-edit behaviour, mainly because it's too easy to do it accidentally – edit functions are better behind a long press.

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When this feature came out, the main problem for me wasn't actually the duration of the click/press but figuring out that it's an active component! I might be speshul or maybe people think about these things differently (or read a manual) but when it comes to anything except the folders, the UI seems to guide the user into using a long press.

There's no precedence for quickly clicking the icon in edit mode, but plenty of others in the main view. I'd also be worried about popups and stuff looking too Androidy :/ So another suggestion could be guiding the user to use a long press to open a menu with Edit in the actual folder view. That might mean rearranging the folder view a bit, but for the better.

Also the (X) for removing a folder is actually a great idea! Remove app, remove folder; there is symmetry. The user would also get to see the icons appear where the folder was.

mjtorn ( 2014-07-15 23:12:48 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-07-15 22:40:10 +0200

Seen: 191 times

Last updated: Jul 15 '14