[feature request] A better way to move apps in and out of folders

asked 2014-07-16 03:30:19 +0300

ssahla gravatar image

updated 2014-12-22 00:12:18 +0300

I propose two improvements to how apps can be moved in an out of folders:

1) when you drag an app on top of a folder icon and hold it there for a while, the folder should open, still in edit mode, so you can drag the app to where you want inside the folder.

2) inside a folder, when you drag an app to the bottom area and, instead of dropping it, hold it there for a moment, the folder should close so you can continue dragging the icon in the main launcher screen.

Why is this better? Example case: I want to move app X from folder A to folder B.

With current behaviour: Enter edit mode in folder A. Drag app X to the bottom area and drop it. Tap to exit edit mode. Tap to close the folder. Locate app X. Locate folder B (as it is not necessarily in the position you expect it to be, as app X has been moved to the main screen and other icons have moved accordingly). Enter edit mode. Drag app X on top of folder B and drop it. Open folder B. Enter edit mode. Drag app X to the position where you want it. Tap to exit edit mode. Three long taps, three drags, three taps.

With proposed improvements: Enter edit mode in folder A. Drag app X to the bottom area, wait a sec so the folder closes, continue dragging app X on top of folder B, wait a sec so the folder opens, drag app X to the position where you want it. Tap to exit edit mode. One long tap, one drag, one tap.

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The folder edit behavior should be improved over all. Currently it's not possible to enter or exit folders without leaving edit mode.

Mohjive ( 2014-07-16 10:28:43 +0300 )edit

@Mohjive, I agree. I included that in a new question: https://together.jolla.com/question/51622/launcher-improve-edit-mode/

ssahla ( 2014-07-23 20:44:01 +0300 )edit

I would also love to see the folder names while dragging apps around, since the icons are very hard to distinguish. I often move apps into the wrong folder and that is a PITA.

Cristian Magherusan-Stanciu ( 2014-10-18 22:33:22 +0300 )edit