Automatic Wifi switching issues between two, close-by, separate networks
asked 2014-07-16 10:31:42 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I have two separate Wifi networks in my home, one for bedroom and one for living room, since this works the best in my home. With my Jolla used to switch between them quite well but now with the switching happens rarely if at all.
On Tuesday morning (15/07/2014) I did get my Jolla to switch to the living rooms network but it took it ~20-40 minutes to do so. Now with Wednesday (16th) it hasn't done it and it's been over an hour by now. I've observed the Wifi-signal icon and it does seem to get weaker every now and then, even down to one bar, but it still won't switch to my living rooms network, even though it's quite close to the phone (~1 meter).
Only change that I can think of is that on Tuesday morning I had installed as over-the-air update. During Tuesday I had my phone restored directly to by service.
UPDATE: Automatic switching didn't happen to living room unless I manually triggered it with Wifi off/on, Airplane mode visiting or just turning off the network from Settings. Below is also my network setup.
Living room: Apple Time Capsule (3rd gen) Limited to 802.11b/g/n on 2.4 GHz, WPA2 Personal (AES), channel 4. Also broadcasts my 5 GHz network which is limited to 802.11n and has automatic channel (100).
Bedroom: Apple AirPort Express (1st gen) Limited to 802.11n (2.4 GHz broadcast only), WPA2 Personal (AES), channel 3.
I changed the channel on bedroom from 3 to 9 and that didn't seem to have any effect on the automatic switching. I changed it back to 3 since that used to work with Might change these again later.
Minor update 1: Jul 18 '14: I changed "access point" to "network" since this can be misunderstood.
Minor update 2: Aug 12 '14: I don't have this setup anymore in use so this is now a wiki post.
Your lucky that Jolla at least stays connected to a Wifi.
For me Wlan is unusable since the update to
At home I've similar setup, two APs same SSID same PW same security settings. With it works ok ... but now ... sometimes it asks for the PW again, it can't connect and post continues the message "wrong value entered" (or what ever the message will look like in English), or it connects to the WiFi and in less than a minute I get a grayed WiFi icon with an explanation mark in it and nothing works.
Same at work, we have multiple access points with same settings only the channels are different (as it is in my home setting) and Jolla can't stay connected. I've to switch to mobile data and get my volume eaten up.
So I also vote for HotFix ... soon!
Spock112 ( 2014-07-16 11:57:47 +0200 )editSame here, exactly the same behavior, also having 2 APs(Living room,Badroom), before it worked fine, now I have to constatly delete (Forget network) AP and recreate AP. I'm using WPA2/PSK, AES. I'm voting for fix ASAP.
Corvinux ( 2014-07-17 01:39:58 +0200 )editI have 3 APs at home and I had the same issue until I configured all APs exactly the same way (N-only, WPA2 AES encrpytion, all with DD-WRT firmware). Each AP actually using a different channel (1, 6 and 11). Now it's even more stable and faster than android with HTC One M7.
dash72 ( 2014-07-17 21:41:42 +0200 )editlol. badroom? you call your bedroom like that?
dash72 ( 2014-07-17 21:45:24 +0200 )editHello,
I experienced similar issues with my Jolla before and after SW upgrade (now i have on it). ..But a bit different: I have no problem at home 1 AP (Belkin wireless router N750) or at my folks 1 AP(wireless router from Huawei, model HG655b) - the phone connects automatically to both networks, both are WPA and so on; the only place i encountered problems is at my office.. where is a equipment from Cisco (i don't know if it is router or AP and is fixed on the ceiling so it's a bit hard to tell the model) and it uses but i am very often disconnected (i don't know why since my MeeGo works just fine in any location). I always thought this could be a HW issuee; but now i believe there is a SW issue since there are moments when after a reboot all WIFI problems disappear and the phone works fine again...
aki ( 2014-07-18 15:52:12 +0200 )edit