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[Bug] Caldav / Owncloud seems to be one way syncing only (Server -> Phone)

asked 2014-07-16 18:45:02 +0300

updated 2014-07-16 18:46:23 +0300

The new update 1.0.8. 19 seems to bring some improvements:

  • manually syncing works
  • calendar entries from server get synced to phone
  • deleting an entry on server deletes the entry on the phone

However this seems to be in one way syncing mode:

  • new entries on the phone never make it to the server
  • deleting an entry on the phone never makes it to the server
  • deleted entries on the phone get overwritten again from the server

I suspect CalDav syncing is in one way mode. Does anybody know the configuration file, where this can be checked and changed?

This is my setup:

Local installation of owncloud server 6 Server: http://[servername] Path: /owncloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/[username]/


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I am also running owncloud (albeit 7 RC1). For me the sync from phone to server works most of the time (just checked by moving an existing appointment and renaming one). I manually synced for this. However I have observed inconsisten sync behavior and from time to time it would not sync at all. Sporadically, end times of appointments are set to start times so the appointment duration is 0 minutes.

Update: The next manual sync didn't work. Waiting for an automatic one.

rod ( 2014-07-16 20:41:03 +0300 )edit

I have the same problems. It sometimes seems like the relation between an appointment on the server and the same appointment on the phone is lost. Edits to these appointment are then not synced annymore. But new appointments are synced both ways.

Arjon ( 2014-07-17 00:25:24 +0300 )edit

I also tried another setting: owncloud recommends to use this sync url: http://[servername]/owncloud/remote.php/caldav/

I did set this in Jolla in the field Server (Path left blank). The one way syncing behaviour remains exactly the same.

flyingfischer ( 2014-07-17 09:31:45 +0300 )edit

The sync URL has no bearing on the sync working or not. If it works once with a URL it could work as well at the next try. Someone stated that the pulley option 'sync' has no effect for generic CalDAV like owncloud and this seems still to be the case. I think all we can do is resort to waiting for the next update and hope they fix these issues. In the meanwhile you could try SyncEvolution again - However I haven't checked if the problems introduced with 1.0.7... and SyncEvolution have been sorted out since.

rod ( 2014-07-17 14:25:03 +0300 )edit

Syncevolution worked like charm up to 1.0.7 and seems to be broken since. I didn't see any new version of Syncevolution coming out in the last time. I did recheck it with Now I removed it in case there are any conflicts with the internal syncing mechanism: no improvement though. The pulley option sync works for me, but only one way as described. Well, let's hope this get's sorted out soon.

flyingfischer ( 2014-07-17 14:44:04 +0300 )edit

6 Answers

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answered 2014-07-17 02:14:33 +0300

theowb gravatar image

for me it worked when i gave calendar entries a start and end time in jolla calendar

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Thanks for your answer! I did try your idea and did set a dedicated start and end date on the phone. Unfortunately still no luck.

Do you use Owncloud and do you remember by any chance your exact setup for CalDav (Server and Path)? (I think you cannot review your settings after setup anymore).


flyingfischer ( 2014-07-17 09:08:46 +0300 )edit

Changing the endtime of an event on Jolla regularly ends up in a broken event in Owncloud. The owncloud calendar doesn't show this event anymore. This happend more than one :-(

The other problem are the events with starttime == endtime. I set the correct endtime in Thunderbird and after some Syncs with Jolla, the endtime is suddenly equal to the starttime in Owncloud/Jolla/Thunderbird. That's all... experimental and not stable yet :-(

Alexander ( 2014-07-17 11:07:17 +0300 )edit

answered 2018-10-09 23:46:38 +0300

droid001 gravatar image

updated 2018-10-09 23:47:12 +0300

The sync from phone (SF to owncloud server (10.0.7) has stopped working (possibly) due to the latest SF update. I've attempted the above trick from @theowb with creating an entry with start/end times but this doesn't do anything for me. There seems to be a problem with the format: (extract from owncloud server log)

{"reqId":"bvJ8DiU1KB59C5oLNaPJ","level":4,"time":"2018-10-09T19:31:55+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"Name","app":"webdav","method":"PUT","url":"\/owncloud\/remote.php\/dav\/calendars\/Name\/events\/49b6d0a4-b79a-4ad7-8f9d-59267404d042.ics","message":"Exception: {\"Message\":\"HTTP\\\/1.1 415 This resource only supports valid iCalendar 2.0 data. Parse error: End of document reached prematurely\",\"
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In a first try, can you report the output of: devel-su -p sqlite3 ~/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/db "select * from Components where UID like '%49b6d0a4-b79a%';"?

This will output the content of the calendar database for the event with the UID given in your bug report. It seems that the generation of the corresponding ICS data is failing. This may content some private information, check that you're not copying anything personal here.

Damien Caliste ( 2018-10-10 15:04:52 +0300 )edit

It's an old event (03-10-2018 according to the UTC stamp) which looks quite normal:

droid001 ( 2018-10-10 19:21:35 +0300 )edit

I agree, looks quite innocent. Let's try debug level 2 with the synchronization framework.

  • Stop synchronization framework: systemctl --user stop msyncd
  • Restart it from command line with debug messages: MSYNCD_LOGGING_LEVEL=8 devel-su -p msyncd
  • Open the setting app and go to the account page of your CalDAV account, pull down to trigger a sync.
  • Try to find something strange in the log. Read it from the end.
Damien Caliste ( 2018-10-10 22:24:57 +0300 )edit

Got some errors which I could fish out from the log:

[D] unknown:0 - Starting Log At : QDateTime(2018-10-11 18:58:26.798 CEST Qt::TimeSpec(LocalTime))
[D] unknown:0 - Primary profile path set to "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd"
[D] unknown:0 - Secondary profile path set to "/etc/buteo/profiles"
[D] unknown:0 - Primary profile path set to "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd"
[D] unknown:0 - Secondary profile path set to "/etc/buteo/profiles"
[D] unknown:0 - Starting msyncd
[D] unknown:0 - Registered to D-Bus
[D] unknown:0 - New network state: true  New type:  "WLAN" ( 2 )
[D] unknown:0 - Network status:
[D] unknown:0 -     Online:: true
[D] unknown:0 -     Connection:: 2
[D] unknown:0 - Bluetooth powered on?  true
[D] unknown:0 - New network state: true  New type:  "WLAN" ( 2 )
[D] unknown:0 - Network status:
[D] unknown:0 -     Online:: true
[D] unknown:0 -     Connection:: 2
[D] unknown:0 - Starting/Resuming server plug-ins
[D] unknown:0 - Primary profile path set to "/home/nemo/.cache/msyncd"
[D] unknown:0 - Secondary profile path set to "/etc/buteo/profiles"
[D] unknown:0 - ProfileManager::syncProfile( "caldav-sync-17" )
[D] unknown:0 - found a valid sync profile with the given name: "caldav-sync-17"
**[D] unknown:0 - No sync log found for profile: "caldav-sync-17"**
[D] unknown:0 - ProfileManager::syncProfile( "caldav-sync-18" )
[D] unknown:0 - found a valid sync profile with the given name: "caldav-sync-18"
[D] unknown:0 - ProfileManager::syncProfile( "caldav-sync-27" )
[D] unknown:0 - found a valid sync profile with the given name: "caldav-sync-27"

SailfishKeyProvider_ini_read: reached end of file
SailfishKeyProvider_ini_read: reached end of file
[D] unknown:0 - debug:  incremented busy semaphore for account 2 to: 1
[D] unknown:0 - connection-manager.cpp 107 setupSocketConnection p2p error: QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound", "Failed to connect to socket /run/user/100000/signond/socket: No such file or directory") 1
[D] unknown:0 - connection-manager.cpp 148 init Peer connection unavailable, activating service
[D] unknown:0 - identityimpl.cpp 96 updateState Updating state:  "PendingRegistration" SignOn::IdentityImpl(0x467428)
[D] unknown:0 - authsessionimpl.cpp 94 initInterface
[D] unknown:0 - Starting oop plugin  "syncemail-19"
[D] unknown:0 - Starting process  "/usr/lib/buteo-plugins-qt5//oopp/syncemail-client"  with plugin name  "syncemail"  and profile name  "syncemail-19"
[D] unknown:0 - authsessionimpl.cpp 94 initInterface

[D] unknown:0 - Entering event loop
[D] unknown:0 - AccountsHelper::registerAccountListener() is disabled!  Not listening to change signals for account: 27
[D] unknown:0 - AccountsHelper::registerAccountListener() is disabled!  Not listening to change signals for account: 19
[D] unknown:0 - AccountsHelper::registerAccountListener() is disabled!  Not listening to change signals for account: 18
[D] unknown:0 - AccountsHelper::registerAccountListener() is disabled!  Not listening to change signals for account: 17
[D] unknown:0 - AccountsHelper::registerAccountListener() is disabled!  Not listening to change signals for account: 2
[D] unknown:0 - AccountsHelper::registerAccountListener() is disabled!  Not listening to change signals for account: 1
droid001 ( 2018-10-11 22:08:31 +0300 )edit

I've also attempted to sync events created in other sub calendars thinking that the calendar caldav-sync-17 mentioned in the first code paragraph would be the culprit, but they yield the same result.

droid001 ( 2018-10-11 22:19:44 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-10-24 11:05:07 +0300

brandy gravatar image

I realised the same and now I have the problem, that I destroyed my owncloud installation and my calendar-data is only remaining on the phone. Now I´m afraid, if I setup a new Owncloud and syncing the data, my calendar-dates are lost, as it doesn´t get data, as the server is empty.

Do you have an idea, to securely syncing or exporting the data from the phone?

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Just create a normal backup (in the settings) and this should backup your calendar entries

Salzi ( 2017-10-24 11:56:14 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-10-24 12:08:13 +0300

brandy gravatar image

Ok, I made a backup yesterday, but I didn´t find the calendar-data in there. Maybe because I started from an existing backup - I try to make a complete new one!

What calendar-file do I get in the backup?

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In my backups I see a ./Calendar/data/all.ics. Haven't verify yet but I would guess that's the file you want.

Salzi ( 2017-10-24 12:30:54 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-10-24 18:51:52 +0300

brandy gravatar image

I just backuped everything, got an .ics-file but it´s only 142 bytes big.

This is what you find in the file (if you open it with an text-editor):

PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 4.3//EN

I have ten calenders, with lots of data in it. Why I don´t find it in the backup?

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The backup will only contain "local" device data (that is, events in the "personal" calendar, and not events in remotely-synced calendars). Damien recently added capability to the icalconverter tool on device to export other calendars (also called notebooks) and that will arrive in a future OS update release.

See https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/nemo-qml-plugin-calendar/tree/master

chris.adams ( 2017-10-25 04:57:29 +0300 )edit

answered 2017-10-25 11:24:19 +0300

brandy gravatar image

Shit - so do you have an idea, how to get out the data?

Setting up a new owncloud and trying to sync feels a little bit dangerous, because if the calendar of owncloud is empty, he will sync to empty, or not?

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Ok I just tried to sync one calender - keeps the data on the phone, but doesn´t come to owncloud-server...

brandy ( 2017-10-26 17:45:51 +0300 )edit

Is there a way to sync it back to the server?

brandy ( 2017-10-26 19:58:45 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2014-07-16 18:45:02 +0300

Seen: 1,469 times

Last updated: Oct 09 '18