after andorid in multitasking doen't update the app
I usually used Whatsapp for android leaving it in multitasking so I can receive/send messages. I always see, in the reduced app, that it goes normally so I could see notifications or people writing me like if it's open, the only difference was that the app has a little space in the screen.
After the update all android app, in multitasking, doesn't see the updated app's screen ( in whatsapp I can't see new messages or other, in lots of other apps I see only a black screen).
I have to wait the next update to have a real preview of all android apps like older Sailfish version or it will be like this forever?
Why don't you use Mitakuuluu for WhatsApp?
Vistaus ( 2014-07-21 22:17:47 +0200 )editI want to belive in Jolla and Sailfish, I want to install only the apps I find in the Jolla store or android app. I'm sure that if lots of people will use Sailfish all popular apps (whatsapp, telegramm.....) will make the Sailfish version of the app.
idro ( 2014-07-21 22:28:18 +0200 )editBut Mitakuuluu is a native SailfishOS WhatsApp client. You can find it in Warehouse. If you believe in SailfishOS, then it's better to use as many native apps as possible. Whether they come from Warehouse or the Jolla Store. Esp. since Mitakuuluu works so well, way better than the Android version of WhatsApp.
Vistaus ( 2014-07-21 22:45:45 +0200 )editThis isn't about (the very closed, proprietary, privacy encumbered) whatsapp, but it seems to be all apps. They seem to be still running in the background as before, but the cover isn't updated anymore.
Fuzzillogic ( 2014-07-21 22:59:36 +0200 )editI tried Mitakuuluu but it gave me some problem with connections. With native Sailfish app I mean Official app made for Sailfish by the official company, if we will reach a good market share they will create a version for us.
idro ( 2014-07-21 23:19:04 +0200 )edit