Add some padding between keyboard keys to avoid typos

asked 2014-08-09 12:44:16 +0200

tokaru gravatar image

updated 2014-10-23 16:46:29 +0200

eric gravatar image

When typing in a hurry, I produce a lot of typos. To make the keyboard less typo-prone, I think it would help to have a very small padding between the keys, so that when pressing right inbetween two keys nothing happens (no vibration feedback either) until the user nudges their thumb a bit in direction of any key.

The word suggestion bar above should have some extra spacing IMHO, because hitting it accidentally often means the user has to backspace several times, which distracts them from writing for a few seconds.

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I agree, but it could be also related how the touch point area is processed. By that I mean how the typing finger is oriented related to the screen e.g. typically I use my front finger for typing and it is oriented vertically where as phone is facing straight at you. This approach produceses more typos compared to approach, where phone is tilted sidewise a bit and finger's touch point (area) is more horizontal and also bit bigger than oriented to side of the finger, which would more natural way for me and ensures best visibility of the screen.

Kari ( 2014-08-09 12:55:22 +0200 )edit

Iteresting point... I usually use both thumbs to type. Now that you said this, I think I have more typos in the upper rows, because the touch area of my thumb is larger up there. In the bottom, it's only the tip.

tokaru ( 2014-08-09 23:49:27 +0200 )edit