[app-request] Sleep as Android - Native

asked 2014-08-12 05:23:37 +0200

updated 2014-08-18 06:05:22 +0200

Hey Guys,

Since there are a bunch of app-requests going around, and a lot of them are being worked on, here is one, that I haven't yet seen but would be pretty nice for a lot of people.

I really loved the App Sleep as Android on my old Device. It was tracking your sleep with its gyro-sensors, to see if you are in a light sleep phase, and would start playing music very softly, so you would wake up.

But the App isn't really working on Jolla. I have it installed, but once the Screen times out, the app is minimized, it just will stop working, not track anything and therefore not ring any alarm.

So, it would be pretty amazing, if someone could realize a native sleep tracking application, for tracking how well i sleep, giving tags to nights for what i did before going to bed and ringing a alarm in a light sleep phase. So recreate Sleep as Android just for Jolla.

If someone could create this, it would be pretty much the last App i'm currently missing.

Hope you can help me with that. If something like this is already in progress? I couldn't find it.

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I also tried similar apps (sleepbot and sleeptime) but neither of them work for the very same reason.

But the thing is that gyroscope and accelerometer programming interfaces are at the moment unnecessarily difficult to install and use in SDK environment (*). I guess when the SDK get's more mature someone will create sleepcycle based alarm clock but at the moment I'm not too optimistic seeing one to be released even to the OpenRepos.

(*) At least in my opinion. If someone knows how to do it then feel free to post instructions please. I've tried flying sheep's guide but I still get the "unknown package error".

Tuke ( 2014-08-28 11:03:38 +0200 )edit

In Sleep as Android you can disable the option Screen-off control and the display stays on during sleep tracking while showing a black screen. But I think it might not be good for Jollas display (or the battery) if it stays on all night.

rrunner64 ( 2014-08-29 00:48:48 +0200 )edit

The Nokia N900 had an app like that (licensed as GPL). Maybe someone can use it as inspiration for a Sailfish version: http://www.ruinelli.ch/maemo/sleepanalyser

ovekaaven ( 2014-10-17 22:12:32 +0200 )edit