Give the option to use DuckDuckGo as Browser search engine
asked 2014-08-17 01:35:49 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I realise the Browser (and all other core apps) remains extremely basic at the moment, but perhaps the very simple option of adding DuckDuckGo (as a default option or manually) could be done.
Jolla claim to be for privacy and security, yet the default search engine is Google and the other two are Yahoo & Bing. All 3 collect and collate user data, personal information, search results and share all this information with a multitude of third parties (commercial and governmental). DuckDuckGo do none of that.
edit 13.11.2017:
still not present in sfos 2.1.3.
Please no tinker things in release... (ref)
edit 04.12.2018:
still not present in sfos
Please @JollaHQ, add this simple request in the 3.0.1 release
edit 04.12.2019:
still not present in sfos 3.2.x
Please @JollaHQ, add this the definition of a paper cut
Duplicate of and/or
null ( 2014-08-17 02:04:32 +0200 )editAnd there is a pull request at
Tanghus ( 2014-08-17 07:49:37 +0200 )editnot a duplicate. one is for the more than one search engine, the other has a tinkered solution. an other one is released without the satisfaction to a ddg. then it's reopened
cemoi71 ( 2017-11-13 15:45:28 +0200 )editSure, if you prefer to have a new question for every single search engine, instead of one for all of them. Not like there's any use in splitting it up like that, other than inflating the list of questions, but oh well.
null ( 2017-11-13 15:56:49 +0200 )editno! i saw all are wether as dup or released, or with a tinkered solution. then i took just one of the dup and turn as non dup. better as all other which are unacceptable ;-)
cemoi71 ( 2017-11-13 16:33:55 +0200 )edit