Why does my battery last for max 5 hours? [not relevant]
asked 2014-08-17 23:18:18 +0200

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I just got my first Jolla phone, and It's been a spare phone for my friend. Today I charged it to 100% in the morning, and at 15.30 it was down to 12 %. The drainage is immense, and I can't understand why. It's useless to have a phone that lasts for 5 hours a day :/ I use whatsapp sometimes and rarely Facebook. This is driving me crazy!
https://together.jolla.com/question/48344/jolla-reboot-problems-hot-fix/ this could give you a solution for now. not a piece of cake but piece of paper.
FOMBE ( 2014-08-17 23:41:13 +0200 )editTry downloading Lighthouse from the Jolla store and check if a process is hogging the cpu and draining the battery. That might help norrow down the problem.
shfit ( 2014-08-17 23:43:55 +0200 )editHi, you can install an app from the Store called 'Crest', this will show you which apps are consuming a lot of CPU (and through that, a lot of battery). Please have a look if this is the result of an app doing something wrong, or the phone. (You can see system processes by using the pulley-menu to select 'All apps: on' or something like that.)
If you are using Android apps, those generally consume a lot more CPU than native apps, so if possible, you should look for native alternatives. For example, there is an app called 'Mitäkuuluu' which is a native WhatsApp client, and an app called 'Friends', which is a native Facebook client. The first one can be found here: https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/mitakuuluu and the second one is in the Store, I think.
nthn ( 2014-08-17 23:47:54 +0200 )edit@Skyforger with Whatsapp , do you mean the Android app, or Mitäkuuluu? Mitäkuuluu has a known bug which causes the app to hog cpu and can drain the battery quite quickly.
shfit ( 2014-08-17 23:48:35 +0200 )editAs shfit suggests! I had that bug too and 5 hours to empty the whole battery sounds just like that. Simply try to fully shut down Mitäkuuluu via the pulley menu within the app and see if the phone gets "lagless" as Mitäkuuluu used up to 99% of CPU capacity because of the bug. Besides checking with "Crest" there is alo an awesome port of mighty "HTop" available to check processes on your phone.
mosen ( 2014-08-18 00:30:40 +0200 )edit