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[Updated]Solution to Kik Messenger on SailFish

asked 2014-08-19 11:07:21 +0200

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updated 2015-05-27 16:46:15 +0200

ragzy gravatar image

IMPORTANT UPDATE: You do NOT need an android phone to get KiK up and running!

Here is a solution for those who don't own an android phone or do not want/are unable to root it.

Guide for Windows, but it should work anywhere Bluestacks works:

  1. Install Bluestacks from here: http://www.bluestacks.com/download.html This is a platform to run android appliations on your PC.

  2. Install KiK and login or create an account.

  3. Install the app Root Explorer (still inside Bluestacks) and open it You have to copy the folders /data/data/kik.android/databases and /data/data/kik.android/shared_prefs from inside Bluestacks one at a time (Hold down the left mouse button and choose copy) then (from inside Bluestacks) navigate to sdcard\windows\BstSharedFolder and paste the folders one at a time here.

  4. Close Bluestacks and go to the folder for Sd storage that we just copied the folders to, depending on your install path it is located in "BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder".

  5. Zip these files using winrar or 7-zip name it kik.zip

  6. Connect your Jolla to your PC and copy over the zip file.

  7. Enable developer mode on jolla and enable remote connection to generate your su-devel password

  8. Open Terminal (a new app that is installed after enabling developer mode)

  9. type: 'cp -r shared_prefs /data/data/kik.android'

  10. Open KiK and make sure you ARE logged in, no login screen should appear, Close KiK.

  11. In console, type: 'cp databases /data/data/kik.android'

  12. Now your contacts and messages should be there.

Notes: Remember to install KiK on your Jolla BEFORE copying the folders. Also, for me it seems to have failed the first time because I copied both the databases and the shared_prefs at the same time. Start with shared prefs and then make sure you are signed in to KiK when starting the app (You should not see the login screen), then close KiK and then copy databases.

If at first you fail, try again, it worked for me. ;)

Default post: Solution for android phone users:

This is a implausible solution to Kik on the Jolla Phone but it works. It is possible to log into kik usinf a xmpp client but thst takes alot more work than this method.

Unfortunately this method only works with a rooted android. Requirements: Rooted Android ES File Explorer on android phone Jolla phone with terminal 0. Reinstall kik. Every time you do this reinstall kik.

  1. Open ES File Explorer on your android phone. Grant the app root permissions.

  2. Navigate to /data/data/kik.android

  3. Copy the whole shared_prefs/ to a nonroot directory and copy thè whole databases/ folder to a nonroot directory. Compress these two folders into a .zip

  4. Upload this file to a file hosting site

  5. Download it onto your Jolla

  6. Open terminal and type 'devel-su' (If you havent set this up please look for the tutorial somewhere on these forums.)

  7. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the zip. Type 'unzip downloaded.zip'

  8. Execute this command 'cp -r shared_prefs /data/data/kik.android'

  9. You can now open kik and you should be logged in.

*You should notice your contacts are missing and messages. If you failed to log in, uninstall kik and try again.

  1. To retrieve your contacts and messages type this command in the directory with the unzipped files. 'cp -r databases /data/data/kik.android'

You should now be successfully logged into kik with all your messages.

If for some reason this doesn't work you may have to copy some other folders like files/.

Happy sailing!

I apologize for the iphone users. If the iphone xml files in the shared_prefs/ directory and the database files on your iphone are the same as the android ones, it should work. Im pretty sure they use the same xmls but i havent done it on the iphone so its safer to use a rooted android.


what's the problem with installing kik directly on aliendalvik, if it runs, it should install aswell

dsilveira ( 2014-08-21 14:56:26 +0200 )

dsilveira: Yes, kik installs fine and runs fine but you cannot login. A error message "This is taking too long... Try again later" shows up. By following my instructions you skip the login process which allows you to use the app.

Assembler ( 2014-08-21 16:13:54 +0200 )

@Assembler Have you reported that to Jolla, I think that would be more urgent, than hacking around. Altough a good hack is always welcome, when nothing else exists ;)

dsilveira ( 2014-08-22 15:44:41 +0200 )

Total edit

Make sure your other client is turned off before you start Kik on your jolla or it will fail silently (grr..) to connect to the server. Only giving you timeouts when you try to send messages.

sjukfan ( 2015-06-08 03:49:26 +0200 )

The alternative way that I've found works is thus - Make sure you install kik first on the jolla, then run it. Inside /data/data/kik.android the android emulator installs some stuff inside the lib dir, other then this dir, delete everything and copy over everything from the android install. Then it works off the bat.

The lib dir is the difference between android and jolla installs.

ALSO - Last time I restarted the android service, it broke my kik install, now that I know what im looking for, I'll see what needs to be fixed to prevent it happening again.

maquis196 ( 2015-12-05 12:04:25 +0200 )
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2 Answers

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answered 2015-05-27 13:52:41 +0200

ragzy gravatar image

updated 2015-05-27 16:37:42 +0200

The copy command should be "cp -r" otherwise you'll just get the error "omitting directory", "-r" is needed when copying directories (folders).

IMPORTANT UPDATE: You do NOT need an android phone to get KiK up and running!

Here is a solution for those who don't own an android phone or want to root it.

Guide for Windows:

  1. Install Bluestacks from here: http://www.bluestacks.com/download.html This is a platform to run android appliations on your PC.

  2. Install KiK and login or create an account.

  3. Install the app Root Explorer (still inside Bluestacks) and open it You have to copy the folders /data/data/kik.android/databases and /data/data/kik.android/shared_prefs from inside Bluestacks one at a time (Hold down the left mouse button and choose copy) then (from inside Bluestacks) navigate to sdcard\windows\BstSharedFolder and paste the folders one at a time here.

  4. Close Bluestacks and go to the folder for Sd storage that we just copied the folders to, depending on your install path it is located in "BlueStacks\UserData\SharedFolder".

  5. Zip these files using winrar or 7-zip name it kik.zip

  6. Connect your Jolla to your PC and copy over the zip file.

  7. Enable developer mode on jolla and enable remote connection to generate your su-devel password

  8. Open Terminal (a new app that is installed after enabling developer mode)

  9. type: 'cp -r shared_prefs /data/data/kik.android'

  10. Open KiK and make sure you ARE logged in, no login screen should appear, Close KiK.

  11. In console, type: 'cp databases /data/data/kik.android'

  12. Now your contacts and messages should be there.

Notes: Remember to install KiK on your Jolla BEFORE copying the folders. Also, for me it seems to have failed the first time because I copied both the databases and the shared_prefs at the same time. Start with shared prefs and then make sure you are signed in to KiK when starting the app (You should not see the login screen), then close KiK and then copy databases.

If at first you fail, try again, it worked for me. ;)

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answered 2016-01-28 17:09:31 +0200

Makeclick gravatar image

updated 2016-01-29 13:52:50 +0200

After i have update proplems with new jolla i did have to reset phone again... i found out something.. Now The Kik will work on Jolla without any mods!!!!!! Good job on Kik or Jolla!

So now Kik runs!!

Not anymore... what did change?



It's not working on my Jolla (Taalojärvi)

Janeski ( 2016-03-13 14:21:36 +0200 )

I was not aware that I can use Kik messenger on my PC until I read the article at http://www.3dize.com/2017/07/kik-for-pc.html that helped knowing interesting facts about this unique app.

Oclan ( 2017-07-17 22:02:45 +0200 )
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Asked: 2014-08-19 11:07:21 +0200

Seen: 3,708 times

Last updated: Mar 13 '16