Android unable to get GPS fix without rebooting
For about two weeks now, I have not been able to use Sygic or Sports Tracker without turning my Jolla off first. The applicationbs seem to work normally, but they are unable to get GPS position. At the same time Jolla maps work perfectly. Any idea on the cause?
i had the same issue, i found a solution without restart your phone. i downloaded gps status toolbox from google play store, i dont know why but this app is finding agps signal. i just start this app wait till it found the connection and then start the android app which couldnt find the gps signal in the first place...
its not the best solution but i hope it works in ur case..
timothey ( 2014-09-02 17:47:48 +0200 )editdid you try instead restart the phone, just restart the aliendalvik ? you have apps for this in jolla store and openrepos if you don't want to do this manually in terminal..
Schturman ( 2014-09-02 18:11:53 +0200 )editThank you timothey, will try that now. KillDroid was not able to fix the issue. The thing that troubles me the most is the fact that all of this happened all of a sudden, without a firmware update etc.
Murtsi ( 2014-09-04 15:50:42 +0200 )editI have this (similar) problem too, with Locus. It get GPS fix and then it stops to continue. I solve this by running HERE maps first. Then I can use Locus with no problem. I don't need to wait for fix in HERE maps, they get fix in background, while I use Locus.
PetrK ( 2014-09-04 23:02:09 +0200 )editJust to add - Citymapper is another "magic" Android app that gets a gps fix, then once it has, I can use Foursquare/Swarm, but without running Citymapper first, the other two won't get a fix, even if I run native Jolla Maps (which always works fine).
vitaminj ( 2014-10-21 14:07:47 +0200 )edit