Jolla Phone and Samsung NX30 camera
Jolla phone (Sailfish) & Samsung NX30 camera (Tizen). Wi-Fi connection between the phone and camera is possible. Right now, the devices can't find each other in Wi-Fi modes using the android app for the task (Samsung smart camera app). Anyone else tried to use Wi-Fi or NFC? I'd love to have native app for it as well. Thanks!
What kind of solution can I expect and wait for? Will someone create unofficial Sailfish app or should I wait for android apps support to fix this? Any ideas are welcome answers by me.
Nikon WirelessMobileUnit (wmu) is in aptoides android app selection for Jolla but WiFi won't work.
I think it is the same issue as with the Sony Active Cam and GoPro apps - you can connect to the camera, but the apps show that there is no camera connected.
Pyro ( 2014-09-12 16:52:13 +0200 )editI can find Wi-Fi SSID of the camera with the phone but nothing else.
Mikko ( 2014-09-12 16:59:21 +0200 )editAre there any unofficial apps for Samsung cameras?
Pyro ( 2014-09-23 16:51:07 +0200 )editSony has an API >
And i found this for gopro >
ApB ( 2014-09-23 17:18:44 +0200 )editIf anyone could make a native application, that would be great. I am not a programmer unfortunately. I am asking about he unofficial apps for Samsung, because the behavior of GoPro is very inconsistent - out of 5 app I have tested 2 work. One works fully - with the preview and the ability to download files, one works only as a remote controller. So if there are several apps for Samsung, you should test them all, maybe some will work.
Pyro ( 2014-09-23 19:32:36 +0200 )edit