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UI frustrations

asked 2014-09-16 12:22:59 +0200

spetsnaz gravatar image

updated 2014-10-23 16:45:25 +0200

eric gravatar image

Now I don't know how other people feel, but while some of gestures/UI features work well, others are just really annoying. I've only been using my Jolla for a month now, so anyone feel free to chime in and correct me if I am wrong.

I am going to start with what's good.

  • Double tap to wake, great I like this feature, saves me from reaching for the lock button.
  • Swiping from left to right or from right to left to go back and forward. Again, another feature I like, it makes a lot of sense logically.
  • Swipe to lock screen. I like having this, but the implementation is just wrong.

What I don't like

  • Swiping from the bottom up to get notifications still disorientates me. Every other device (Windows Phone, Android, Blackberry, iOS) has the notifications from the top down. I know Sailfish is unlike, but this is just unlike for no good reason. What SHOULD happen is that swiping from the top down should give notifications and swiping from the bottom up should lock the screen.
  • Pulley menu's in theory are a good idea, but again, the implementation is just not good. For example, I was driving into work today, my alarm went off. I tried to reach into my pocket to swipe down to disable the alarm. I couldn't. Using haptic feedback for this just doesn't work. I think I should just be able to make one swipe motion and something should go away, or refresh. I shouldn't have to actively think about haptic feedback having to land on a certain option in the pulley menu. Related question here - https://together.jolla.com/question/55380/ui-improvement-pulley-menus-with-single-item/#55455
  • Lack of a unified toggle centre for wi-fi/mobile data/silent mode/airplane mode/etc. This would be an easy one to solve. Currently, from the lock screen, you can pull down to turn on/off sound. I would propose that more settings be put into that pulley menu for mobile data, wi-fi, airplane mode, bluetooth, screen brightness, etc. Perhaps users themselves could be able to modify the contents of this pulley menu, in the same way that Android customers can have toggle widgets on their homescreen?
  • Peeking to get 3g/wi-fi connectivity status, time or battery life. I know Jolla have reasons behind having this. but to be honest, I just hate this. I always like to know exactly what my battery life is, what my connectivity status is, what time is it.
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for the notification menu at the bottom, it is closer to your thumb, which makes it easier to access to the notifications.

Shortcuts, toggles and pulley menu are a bit confusing, I agree and could be made better...

damourti ( 2014-09-16 12:32:56 +0200 )edit

My thumb actually rests on the power button near the top of the screen while holding the phone :)

spetsnaz ( 2014-09-16 12:40:42 +0200 )edit

"Swiping from the bottom up to get notifications still disorientates me. Every other device (Windows Phone, Android, Blackberry, iOS) has the notifications from the top down. I know Sailfish is unlike, but this is just unlike for no good reason."

It is for a good reason, namely that it is really a lot easier to swipe up from the bottom than to swipe down from the top when you are holding the phone with one hand (which is what all the current gestures seem to be modeled after). At least that is the case for me.

"Lack of a unified toggle centre for wi-fi/mobile data/silent mode/airplane mode/etc. This would be an easy one to solve. Currently, from the lock screen, you can pull down to turn on/off sound. I would propose that more settings be put into that pulley menu for mobile data, wi-fi, airplane mode, bluetooth, screen brightness, etc. Perhaps users themselves could be able to modify the contents of this pulley menu, in the same way that Android customers can have toggle widgets on their homescreen?"

This is possible, there are (apps that are actually just) toggles for Wi-Fi, mobile data, etc available on OpenRepos, like https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/quick-bt-onoff or https://openrepos.net/content/schturman/quick-internet-onoff. Just install those apps, then in Settings -> System -> Shortcuts, add them to the pulley menu shortcuts. Also, you can install Patchmanager (also from OpenRepos, https://openrepos.net/content/sfietkonstantin/patchmanager) and add the settings shortcuts to the events/notification screen to have them quickly available everywhere. (I agree that this is not a perfect solution and installing apps just to toggle Wi-Fi on and off is a bit strange, but at least it works.)

nthn ( 2014-09-16 12:41:07 +0200 )edit

It's a bit strange to take certain other operating systems or user interfaces as a standard. It all depends on whre you come from and what you're used to. I come from the N9 where swiping down from the top closes the application, so it's the most natural and expected behaviour.

ossi1967 ( 2014-09-16 13:16:54 +0200 )edit
  1. (-1) There is absolutely no reason why the notification center should be at the top of the screen. The reson it is there on Android is because that's where the status bar with battery life, network status etc. is. There is absolutely no reason to replicate that. The fact that you happen to be used to that mode of operation is not a justification for a design choice.
  2. The pulley menu could indeed be approved. Having a default choice for a hasty flick up/down could be an option. Is that really better for all situations than opening the menu though? I'm not so sure, an accidental flick instead of a pull could have unintended consequences if you're not familiar with the action. Maybe this could be enabled in the options if and when a user wants to have default actions for pulley menus.

Also I quite like having the applications full screen, and peek the time, battery life or connectivity. It somehow ... feels nice.

2Ti ( 2014-09-16 13:23:40 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-09-16 14:02:30 +0200

mosen gravatar image

updated 2014-09-16 15:08:27 +0200

Partial answer to #2, Pulley menu. To select a "one item" Pulley menu like dismissing the alarm you mentioned or answering/ignoring a call, it is sufficient to flick up/down. The only available item will be selected and executed. Perfect for in pocket usage.

EDIT: I just now learned that this feature is not implemented everywhere. for example "close all" apps from Homescreen needs to be aimed at, a flick only leaves the menu open like it contains several items.

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Asked: 2014-09-16 12:22:59 +0200

Seen: 675 times

Last updated: Sep 16 '14