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GUI handler for out of memory situations

asked 2014-09-17 14:45:43 +0200

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updated 2014-10-23 16:39:58 +0200

eric gravatar image

My Jolla got weird and started feeling sluggish few days ago. Camera and gallery had odd touch delays and gestures were hard to get right, even to close the apps and double tap to wake up.

On shell dmesg showed that RAM and swap were full and that kernel oom-killer was killing processes, but it seemed to be failing to free enough memory. My dmesg is available here: https://mcfrisk.kapsi.fi/temp/jolla_oom.txt

Maybe there are memory leaks and other bugs which will be sorted over time, but what really is missing is a user space GUI handler for the situation.

For example a notification to the user that "OOM has happened, sorry, but a reboot is necessary."

That would be fine for me as a stupid user right now. Later on that could be improved to for example kill less important jolla apps, like clock, notes or calendar which already saved their data somewhere and notifications will kick in even if app is not running.

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Sorry to wake up such an old message: your URL refers to mml-maps and I wonder if you had halftrail installed and some Finnish topo-maps downloaded as png-files. It seems to me that gallery tries to scan through those files (some 16 MB piece) and gets OOM. I solved the problem by deleting the png-files after converting to mapx. So, the root cause is gallery leaking memory.

rsainio ( 2015-07-26 13:27:13 +0200 )edit

@rsainio: Where does it store those huge PNGs ? Gallery should only show images harvested by tracker, which should not scan hidden folders. So maybe try to move them to a hidden folder (if possible) and see if it helps ?

MartinK ( 2015-07-26 15:04:47 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2014-11-23 16:42:14 +0200

simo gravatar image

Suggesting a gui which would list user launched running apps & alien dalvik service with their current RAM usage (sorted by that), and a simple question to the user :"You're running low on ram, please select what should be closed"

This should pop up to the foreground if auto-killing other unnecessary processes / cleaning cache doesn't free enough of ram for what user is currently trying to perform.

Operating system shouldn't be the one deciding what apps are to be closed without consulting the user!

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answered 2014-12-09 23:50:54 +0200

Yuri gravatar image

I agree with that, to add an GUI warning about running out of memory before applications or the system crashs.

An additional solution is to increase the size of the swap partition in the factory image to avoid out of memory situations. The swap partition is only ~508 MB large. Maybe 1GB would fit for most situations. I fixed out of memory situation by adding a 1 GB swap file.

On the other side, to avoid waisting space for a static sized swap partition, as the additional space is only needed in certaion situations, it would make sense to add a service which adds and deletes swap files on demand, for example swapspace.

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Asked: 2014-09-17 14:45:43 +0200

Seen: 606 times

Last updated: Dec 09 '14